Transition. Time and reality.

"Time, as we know, is the reality of the third dimension. Now, more than ever, there is a fluctuation in time, its variability change. And for yourself, you can track changes in their alternate states for the walk back and forth from one reality to another. So, throughout your day, you can be completely immersed in the daily life of the third dimension, and at the same time to switch for a brief moment on the higher dimensions: the fourth or fifth. By the way, this is what causes your frequent failures-lack.
It is obvious that the time is perceived differently depending on in what you are measured: in the third, fourth or fifth. During the day, your time is slowed down, then accelerated, for deceleration and acceleration has the properties of time.
We would like to note that the time - granted - is more and more elude you, because time is constantly changing. Also changing your concept of time! We give to the two explanations.
First. A long time ago we said that time significantly faster because you are approaching a point of no-return, that is the final transition to timelessness in the dimension that no longer live at the level of vibrations and energies than at the time as such.
We, your Brothers of Light, like all your galactic brothers (under a certain level) has the ability to travel through time, that is to happen in the past, present and future. And you, Children of the Earth, too, have this ability, you just do not realize it.
For example, when you do what is called a regression, or when you float the memory of past lives, in these cases, you move along the timeline of the past. You see what happened to you at the time; you have a vision of the past. (And then you find yourself at the point where there is no past, no present and no future.) You also have the ability to see their future, but it needs to be a medium or channeler, or just a very sensitive person.
The second explanation, which we want to give you is the fact that even in your present moment there is a kind of time warp. As we have said, time is accelerated or decelerated, before this phenomenon was not observed so clearly as now. All this is happening as a result of the fact that you are constantly in several realities in several dimensions.
During deep meditation or when you are in a high spiritual state ("state of grace" or in another state of consciousness), you have the ability to go into a new dimension, you will more and more to settle (the fourth dimension is the bridge, feed you to the fifth as well as the six dimensions). For the sixth dimension you are not yet quite ready, but you successfully carry out training themselves to the fifth dimension, without realizing it.
So sometimes you sometimes get the impression that you dropped out of the reality of your life; Time escapes you, you lose all fiducial (reference) point. This is quite normal, because when you move through time, you can no longer rely on the experience of the dense world, the reference points of the third dimension.
If this is the subject of your concern, we want to reassure you: the more you approach a new dimension, the more changes the reality of the time! It will soon be impossible to check the time. And even your technology can not measure time as it was before 2012.
Therefore rejoice, if during your day you are different sense of time; This means that you will connect (and you will connect more and more often) to another reality to another dimension.
It should also have an encouraging, because it means that you start to reach a state of readiness for the final transition. "