MOTHERHOOD - is also a career.

Women in recent years sensibly and lucidly explained that motherhood - it is not a career. What is undervalued, short-sighted. What is the worst thing in the world. That way we spend ourselves for nothing, losing something very valuable and important. Judge for yourself - it is not paid, it is day and night, to respect you for that office, too few people will. Do have the same thing all the time, thanks dozhdeshsya rare.
And why did all this? Why ruin your health, if you can sleep at night, to make a career, to be a respected specialist, earn money? To live a life in which children will be the only option, accessory to a successful woman. But they can not be - without them also live. And by the way, we show that many live without them even better than them.
Why engage in their education, if we are able to apply yourself much more practical and useful, for example, to make a career? And children can engage those who earn money from it. His children leave home or someone else - will come and deal with our own. They say that the role of the mother is too exaggerated, that the current mix of breast milk is best that a professional nanny better mothers and kindergarten is much more useful than sitting at home. And so on.
We are asked to use all their talents and abilities, finding a work from morning to night, we are told that this is the only correct and useful. What woman has not won any career heights in advance lost and doomed to be unhappy.
And I moved to the head of various women. I remember those who once met while still a child - how they behaved, and who then become now ... For example, one woman gave birth to two children, and almost immediately goes to work. I educate them first, grandmother, then kindergarten and school. The woman made a brilliant career, but today she was alone, she had a lot of different diseases, its children can not find myself. In all senses.
Or another woman who in spite of ridicule, stayed home and took care of her son, who did not go to kindergarten, and then gave birth to several children. Today she is a happy grandmother, without any pension, but surrounded by his family. And I understand what kind of example I closer and more enjoyable. Whatever was said television and magazines.
Mother - is also a career.
And how! You can make a successful career in this field, including diapers, sliders and pacifiers. You can become a first-class specialist, and very versatile, deep - and very popular.
1. My mother has such a range of skills like no other. It seems that my mother knows everything, can do it anytime and in any condition. It can wake up at night by chance, and she will tell memorize verses, sing songs on a perfect machine. She can cook and a lot of different dishes, hiding in them a carrot to those who did not love her, or submit a simple puree of funny little animals that want to eat.
2. Mom and real multiarm Thalipedes. It is multi-tasking in a unit of time can make a dozen different things at the same time - to stir the soup, wash the dishes, listen to the reading of his son home, plan trip to the store, and this is not the limit. Every mom exactly where something is hidden extra pair of hands that no one sees, but it is there.
3. Motherhood requires constant training. All the time you learn something new, learn something, even if it was not in your plans. Where to go from a submarine, have to learn!
4. Motherhood - an ongoing personal and spiritual growth. All the while opening up new side of your personality with which you need to do something. Denude the old injury, opening new horizons.
5. These mothers in high demand, especially now. With these women want to communicate everything, because with them it is always warm and cozy. Most women live in ... energy, its broadcast, it is used. It creates a certain attitude towards them. A mother is negligible. Therefore, each such a woman - its weight in gold.
6. Mothers have to learn to be, because it seemed someone around the clock possible. This training again openness, awareness, the ability to be, and be myself.
7. motherhood woman can unleash your full potential, without doing anything else. True, it sometimes is necessary to more children, and even a great desire to find this self-realization inside. Because from the outside it looks much easier and more convenient.
8. The hand that rocks the cradle rules the world. It depends on the mothers our tomorrow. From how and whom they raised. And this is to talk more.
9. With each kid mom goes to a new level. And in terms of their duties, and in terms of the organization of everyday life. It is said that the mother of one child is inexperienced as a rookie in the army, the mother of two children is similar to the "Dembele" their calmness and confidence. A mother of three - it's riot police. That's right.
10. It is impossible not to respect the woman who raised several children. Especially if she did it with a soul. Yes, respect will not come immediately after delivery, it will have to work hard. Sometimes explaining to those who wait on you career, your career is now in a wheelchair sniffs. But this respect is much more valuable than the provisional recognition of the head of your success. Because when he is no longer be profitable, your relationship will end, and the respect lost automatically.
11. Work can you get fired, you can cut, in spite of all your services. But motherhood - a place where you are the only one of its kind. And it is impossible to take your place to someone else. We need to try very hard.
12. At work, you have a clear timetable, at home you are creating your own schedule - including the schedule of holidays. This requires greater autonomy and awareness, self-discipline and rationality.
13. Mom puts his hand in children. This is an investment, rather risky, because it is not clear whether dividends and in what amount. You could invest in less risky enterprise, for example, in their own pension. Just really do not understand what a risky and untested.
That is motherhood - makes us better all around. And in the long term this is the best possible investment of their forces. Yes, sometimes it is difficult and painful. Sometimes it reveals what we would prefer not to see. Sometimes it is exhausting us physically and emotionally. Yes, it is not only a beautiful picture, and tenderness of the little heels. But the best thing that can happen to a woman.
When I look at my children, I see a huge world in those enormous eyes. I always dreamed of the children wanted to be a mother, but had no idea - not even close, what is happiness and how this force. And I would not change their everyday lives for anything, children - is boundless world, and any work close to the mother's work seems small and insignificant. Even writing books pales next to the children. I can not write a month or two, a little bored - or even missing altogether. But without them I can not any day. Each of them - my special book in which I write something every day, whether I like it or not.
Without their kisses, moods, tears, laughter, games, laughter, smiles, fights and obnimashek, every day becomes scanty and empty. My husband and I sometimes like children blockages from all sides - and here it is happiness. Not fashionable dress, not super-operation, not a huge house, not a bunch of countries. It's great to have someone to share it all, to whom all this show to anyone to go through it together. Next to them we grow, change, and sell to disclose.
At times, drawing with them once the helicopter, I think that instead would sit in a stuffy office in the basement and find staff for some company. I would receive their salaries, to communicate with those with whom it was so hard, trying to change something, but it would not have worked. And I could never learn to draw those same helicopters to glue paper train, cut watermelon in the form of dolphins, breastfeed, typing something on the computer and generally walk anywhere and in any position. I could never see with their own eyes how cute pupsik turns into a man, they share with each other sweets, they protect each other out. And I think - I missing something here? Of course not. I was in the right place. I'm doing the best career in the world.
Yes, even if it does not look very attractive - my watch round the clock, seven days a week, at any time I can pull anywhere. Yes, in the moment here and now I can not feel gratitude, I may have a feeling that I will not be appreciated. Yes, I am every day to do so much, and I certainly do not all have time. Yes, my responsibility is huge, because I am responsible for young men live, and I have to make many different decisions. Yes, for me it is no pay, I do not accumulate pension contributions for it. Yes, every day I have to face the new challenges that are unfamiliar to me, and unintelligible. Yes, it will never end, even when they grow up, I will stay their mother.
But I'm in the right place. I'm doing exactly what needs to be exactly what my Lord has created. When I already have everything you need for a career, and I could have all these talents and skills to realize somewhere outside. But all this wealth to use at home is not only more pleasant, but also more profitable. And I feel like a fruit tree, which is a little each day doing the most important thing - it helps to ripen their fruits, feeding them and helping them nalitsya juice. Not trying to throw them ahead of time, without taking their life force flows, which could be useful elsewhere. Doing exactly what was laid in me initially.
Being a woman - this is only the beginning of our journey. Flowering and maturity - is only a stage. Our task is to bear fruit.
Is not that what makes us happy?