Selection of pipes for floor heating: tips and tricks.

The choice of heating for private houses - is a serious procedure. "Warm floor" - especially water - a great alternative to traditional forms of heating. The reliability and durability of the floor heating depends on the quality of the selected pipe. In the domestic market there are several types of products suitable for installation under screed and therefore less try to understand all the intricacies of selection of pipes for floor heating.

Select the material and workmanship
First of all, when buying pay attention to the matter from which the product is made. Unfortunately, in this respect, the choice is not too diverse. There are only three types of tubes, suitable for floor heating device. What characteristics do they differ, see the table:
The most popular among homeowners, polyethylene pipes. Copper products set basically just large cottages, people in financial difficulties. Metal-is rarely used. Polypropylene pipes for the system "warm floor" are not used. Products of this type are not well tolerate prolonged exposure to high temperatures.

Select the diameter and length
Normally, in private homes use the following pipes:
1 diameter in 16mm. Products with good diameter suitable for installation in small areas of the premises. They are well bent and quite reliable.
2 with a diameter of 20mm. This option provides somewhat better warming of rooms, more strong and durable.
Important: If the rate of the coolant in the system is high, as is better to use a pipe with a diameter of 20mm. Shestnadtsatimillimetrovye products at high water pressure start "buzz».
Pipes screed must be whole, since the joints during prolonged operation may form leaks. Remove the cover and tie - Invoice operation. Therefore, it is important to immediately calculate the required length of the pipe. Ways to do this there are several:
3 Use the online calculator on the website of any producer.
4 Draw on a piece of the floor plan with the scale cell 1 - 1 meter, chart the pads and make measurements.
Tip: In a pinch you can use the "popular" method of measurement. The length of the tubes normally five times the area of the room in which they are installed. In any case it is necessary to buy the material with a stock.

Featured on the domestic market of the following manufacturers:
5 Rehau. This German company produces very high quality material XLPE. His company provides customers long-term warranty. This is perhaps the best plastic pipes for floor heating arrangement. The disadvantage is considered to be of a high cost.
6 Onnline. Metal pipes produced in Russia. Very durable and reliable, they last a long time, but it is a bit difficult to install.
7 Valtec - Italian very inexpensive polyethylene good quality.
8 HydroSta produced in Korea. This material is characterized by good functionality. The disadvantage of the pipe manufacturer is considered to be a rather weak resistance to mechanical damage.
9 Oventrop. Very reliable and durable option. The disadvantage of this metal and plastic manufacturer can assume only that some parties come to marriage.
So now you know how to choose good pipes for floor heating. The approach to this procedure should be responsible. After all, the cost of correcting the consequences of failed purchases may be more than significant. Save as this equipment is not necessary anyway.