The Germans paid 1,000 euros a month, to check whether they will still function
Money is all free, and let will leave nobody offended! In Germany, since last summer, it is an interesting experiment, which aims to find out if a man just to provide a monthly income of 1,000 euros, will throw he work? More global goal: to find out how effective are government programs of universal unconditional income (when the state pays certain all sums thus solving the problem of poverty). Now the organizers of the experiment, inciting the first results. Website impressed with the results!
experiment called Mein Grundeinkommen («My basic income"). He collected money for crowdfunding, the winners are determined by lottery among the candidates. In order to participate, you do not even have to be a German citizen, and no details about yourself is not required except for email. Already 26 people have won a monthly income of 1,100 euros, they have the right to dispose of as you wish. This prize money, so they are not taxed.
Among the candidates selected for participation in the program: a businessman who sought funding for ekostartapa, and the woman who wants to spend more time with their children. Someone says it will spend the money on the dream, someone - to travel.
The majority of participants has not left his main work, according to Michael, but many changed outlook on life. «Each participant tells us that a better sleep. But in general, the changes in their lives a little bit: the students continue their studies, work - work, pensioners are pensioners. But a big shift in the minds of: people feel liberated and more healthy », - he says. Someone spent money the first month on the party, someone even longer to suffer from a chronic disease, and thus - to pass their work.
However, one participant is still left with the work that hated: he was the operator of the call center. But instead of 1,000 euros to lie on the couch and watch TV, he went to college to study at kindergarten teacher.
Author: Olga Karpenko, source: AIN.ua, the original article: Los Angeles Times
via factroom.ru

experiment called Mein Grundeinkommen («My basic income"). He collected money for crowdfunding, the winners are determined by lottery among the candidates. In order to participate, you do not even have to be a German citizen, and no details about yourself is not required except for email. Already 26 people have won a monthly income of 1,100 euros, they have the right to dispose of as you wish. This prize money, so they are not taxed.
Among the candidates selected for participation in the program: a businessman who sought funding for ekostartapa, and the woman who wants to spend more time with their children. Someone says it will spend the money on the dream, someone - to travel.
The majority of participants has not left his main work, according to Michael, but many changed outlook on life. «Each participant tells us that a better sleep. But in general, the changes in their lives a little bit: the students continue their studies, work - work, pensioners are pensioners. But a big shift in the minds of: people feel liberated and more healthy », - he says. Someone spent money the first month on the party, someone even longer to suffer from a chronic disease, and thus - to pass their work.
However, one participant is still left with the work that hated: he was the operator of the call center. But instead of 1,000 euros to lie on the couch and watch TV, he went to college to study at kindergarten teacher.
Author: Olga Karpenko, source: AIN.ua, the original article: Los Angeles Times
via factroom.ru