Three ways to attract good luck the New Year!

1. Decorate the Christmas tree, and do so not only balls and tinsel, and candy. This tradition dates back to ancient times and it is believed that it is able to bring you good luck. After the holiday candy, you need to give children and one to eat. The whole year will pass like clockwork.
2. Pour into a pot with a flower a little rice. Grains must remain in the pot the whole year, and the better you take care of the flower, the more results are obtained. It is believed if the flower blooms, it will bring you money, but if not - monetary success will not accompany you in the next year.
3. Also to attract wealth buy a week before New Year's broom. Place it in any corner of the house with a broom up and tie it any color beautiful ribbon. The color selected according to their own desires: blue will help to find a job, red - will make a profit and contribute to the white return all the debts. In February, remove the tape from a broom, and use it for cleaning the whole year - it will be for you a real talisman and helper, if you do it right!