CAT as a talisman.

The cat is considered a sacred animal in many nations, as a symbol of clairvoyance, beauty, ingenuity and ability to reincarnation. Cats have always symbolized the intuition, elegance, independence, and power, and the cat is able to bring good luck talisman.
Cat doing good in Ancient Egypt, believe in their supernatural power. Here, even the revered goddess Bastet, depicted as a woman with a cat head. And cats are believed Egyptians, like a cat mascot can bring only good. Egyptian priests believed that cats symbolize the forces of nature, and the goddess Bast often helped the sun god Ra, taking the serpent's head.
Much later, in Rome and Greece, cats associated with Artemis and Diana, as in ancient Rome, the cat acted as an emblem of freedom. Respect for cats and Scandinavians, and even carriage harnesses Freya is cats.
Quite different was the Celts who believed that cats - messenger of evil forces, so these lovely animals are often sacrificed.
Cats treated well in India, as the embodiment of beauty animals, but the Buddhists did not like cats, believing that cats, like snakes, not mourned the death of the Buddha.
Muslims believe that the cat came from sneezing lion in Noah's ark. Spas cat and snake from Mohammed. And when the Prophet stroked the cat's back, he acquired his ability to fall on their feet. But according to another legend, the dark stripes on the cat's pelt is fingerprints of the prophet.
In England, the cat mascot symbolizes since ancient times luck. And oddly enough, it brings good luck and a cat ran across the road.
Mascots in the form of white cats are able to help people whose lives consist of risky activities or people related to physical activity. Red cats are considered excellent support for sick people - if the patient after surgery or during a serious illness will support ginger cat, he will recover very quickly.
If you have a conflict, and quarrelsome character, and you need to smooth things over, then as a mascot you perfect gray cat. But all desires are fulfilled bronze cat, especially if you're dreaming about love and warm relations.
Silver cat help attract good luck. And if you do not have enough bird of happiness, be sure to get a silver talisman or jewelry in the form of cats.
Golden cat owner will give his aristocratic manners and turn it into a subtle and sublime person. And so those who are too modest, are perfect for gold jewelry in the form of cats.
Or maybe you need protection from the black magic against the evil eye? Then make an amulet in the form of an Egyptian cat, and you can overcome any negative impact.