20 lessons that will make your New Year's holiday even better

Ahead of us waiting for a long New Year holidays. On the one hand, this is a good reason to relax, rejuvenate and recharge your vitamins and positive emotions, and with another - a wonderful opportunity to spend time with benefits.
Website has prepared for you 20 interesting activities that are sure will not miss in the winter holidays.
1. Collect a huge puzzle h3> What could be better than to gather the whole family around the table and enthusiastically engaged in a common cause? Such moments are not only strengthen family ties, but also to develop fine motor skills and memory. The result of collective creativity hang in a nice frame to the picture remind you of the time spent with loved ones.
2. Winter photo shoot h3> New Year's holidays - a good time to go to his family on the nature and arrange a winter photo shoot. The resulting pictures can be made into a big New Year's collage.
3. Read as much as possible h3> During the year, in the bustle of daily business, we sometimes do not have the time to just read. On holidays we finally have the opportunity to spend a few evenings reading interesting books, articles and journals.
4. Karaoke Night h3> Go to a big company in the nearest karaoke club and sing all night long. Even if you do not own the voice of Whitney Houston singing still bring you a lot of positive emotions.
5. Be outdoors h3> Each day, try to spend a few hours on the street. During walks in the fresh air of oxygen enriches our circulatory system, nourishes all the organs of health and strength, stimulate mental activity.
6. Day creativity h3> In the morning the whole family enjoy a creativity. You have a huge field of activity: you can rehearse and sing Christmas songs, draw portraits of your family members, make a collage of photos and clippings from magazines, articles made of clay or plasticine, learn to dance, to make their own hands gifts for Christmas ... This day will remain in you are long in the memory.
7. Marathon offers h3> When, if not during the holidays, you can see with all his family and old friends? Invite every day for someone to come and visit or apply themselves holiday visits.
8. Travel h3> Why do not you go and do not spontaneously go on a trip? This may be a neighboring district of the city where you have never been, an ancient city of which you have heard a lot or a warm country, which you have long wanted to visit.
9. Spa at home h3> Give your loved one or beloved certificate for a day spa, or arrange a real home interior. Buy and aromatic massage oils, candles decorate an apartment, choose appropriate music, put on the table, snacks and fruit, and just rest and relax.
10. Culinary Week h3> Try every day of this year to please their loved ones some new dish, cocktail or dessert. This will allow you to improve your Cooking skills, and fill his new cookbook recipe that he liked.
11. Forget about work h3> For 10 long weekend just forget that you have a job, colleagues, unsolved problems, and not handed over reports. Just relax and switch to a festive mode until January 10.
12. Work out h3> Do not worry if you have no subscription to a fitness club - sports you can do at home. The main thing - to find the right place to pick up fiery playlist at will include a video tutorial on YouTube and spend a couple of hours working on his body.
13. Kinoden h3> Make some popcorn, candy and jelly, make a list of films that have long wanted to see, and feel free to spend the whole day for their view.
14. Board Games h3> Get together with your family, as in the good old days and play your favorite board games. The classic "Monopoly" and "scrubbed" movable "Twister" funny "Crocodile" and "cap", chess and checkers - no matter what game you choose, you will spend a wonderful time!
15. Skates, skis, sleds h3> Ice skating with friends, walk through the woods on cross-country skiing, downhill ledyankah or sledging from the hill - what could be better than these simple, but these childish joyful entertainment?
16. Help those in need h3> Not everyone in the New Year holidays can spend time with your family and friends. Help those who are not lucky like you. Bring to a nearby orphanage their unwanted toys and books, go for a walk with the dogs from the shelter, stay all day as a volunteer in a nursing home, or simply feed the stray cat and Heating. Let say that you can not help everyone, but you can try and contribute.
17. New Year - new work h3> If you've always wanted to change jobs, the New Year's holiday - a good time to go looking for a new one. Examine the job market in your city, start to browse suitable job, edit or redo your resume, go through, if necessary, the required online courses and tighten their English.
18. Make friends with your neighbors h3> Even if you are not familiar with the tenants in the neighboring apartments, please be courage and look to visit them with fresh cookies or candy. It is always useful to know who is living next to you. And who knows, maybe you will ever need to turn to them for help.
19. Cultural program h3> Take a look at their city through the eyes of a tourist: visit the places that had never been. Visit museums, theaters, a planetarium, exhibitions and Christmas fairs. Make a list of attractions and cultural sites and catch up.
20. Plans for the year h3> Try to mess the Christmas holidays to make time for yourself and do the planning in 2016. Record in the diary all the desires, goals and ideas that would be implemented during the year, and supplement their inspirational quotes and photos. All will surely come!
Photos in the preview: martijnkort-photography
via www.martijnkort-photography.com/shoot-christmas-lights/
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