"They deserve to live like!"
This story is very simple, and every one of us in his life faced with something similar. The site publishes the words of a man who has what is called a "boiling" - and it is difficult not soglasitsya.Zhivu abroad. At once, my husband and I came to visit my mother. I close relatives gathered for a picnic with barbecue. We decided to go to a place close to my mother's house - a beautiful meadow with a lake and a small fishing line. All his childhood and youth I loved to walk there among the herbs and wildflowers, swim in the lake.
came into place. Field grass turned into a hard high weeds, many places burned or thrown plastic waste. I was so disappointed! We hardly have found a more or less clean clearing the lake, removed garbage and cigarette butts, so you can sit down, lit a fire in the grill. Shish kebab turned out delicious, but my favorite kind of clearing depresses me - everything is dirty, miserable ... Lake - and then dimmed. Go to him, I did not dare swim.
From the beginning I told mother not to throw trash in the grass and bushes, and collected in a special package. I will check that, after we have nothing left. Oh, so sorry I was clearing. And I resented loudly as possible so dirtied the place where they themselves and rest. At the exit of clearing a hundred meters there are trash cans - is it really so difficult to convey?
When we were about to leave, I discovered that the bag of garbage, no one in their hands there. I began to ask who he is. And my mom waved me - they say, we have already thrown out ... I was taken aback: "How thrown where?" - "There, in the reeds. But what we most extreme? All it down! "I'm very restrained so as not to swear. Take the trash out was impossible - he got stuck in the reeds over a cliff.
I realized a great truth: they deserve as they live
It is not the government of garbage on the streets and smashing playgrounds. It is not the president of stealing light bulbs and wires. I do not believe your complaints. countrymen, you yourself have created hell, and you live in it. me for yourself, then ask another to do with you.
via fit4brain.com/5651

came into place. Field grass turned into a hard high weeds, many places burned or thrown plastic waste. I was so disappointed! We hardly have found a more or less clean clearing the lake, removed garbage and cigarette butts, so you can sit down, lit a fire in the grill. Shish kebab turned out delicious, but my favorite kind of clearing depresses me - everything is dirty, miserable ... Lake - and then dimmed. Go to him, I did not dare swim.
From the beginning I told mother not to throw trash in the grass and bushes, and collected in a special package. I will check that, after we have nothing left. Oh, so sorry I was clearing. And I resented loudly as possible so dirtied the place where they themselves and rest. At the exit of clearing a hundred meters there are trash cans - is it really so difficult to convey?
When we were about to leave, I discovered that the bag of garbage, no one in their hands there. I began to ask who he is. And my mom waved me - they say, we have already thrown out ... I was taken aback: "How thrown where?" - "There, in the reeds. But what we most extreme? All it down! "I'm very restrained so as not to swear. Take the trash out was impossible - he got stuck in the reeds over a cliff.
I realized a great truth: they deserve as they live
It is not the government of garbage on the streets and smashing playgrounds. It is not the president of stealing light bulbs and wires. I do not believe your complaints. countrymen, you yourself have created hell, and you live in it. me for yourself, then ask another to do with you.
via fit4brain.com/5651