20 quotes that you need to re-read every morning!
1. Those who can not have 2/3 of the day for himself, should be called a slave. © Friedrich Nietzsche
2. It makes no sense to hire smart people and then specify what to do. We hire smart people, so they told us what to do. © Steve Jobs
3. Anyone who wants to see the results of their work immediately, should go to shoemakers. © Albert Einstein
4. Always choose the most difficult way - on it you will not meet competition. © Charles de Gaulle
5. The right decision to delay is a mistake. © Lee Iacocca
6. If you think that education is expensive, try to find out how much ignorance. © Robert Kiyosaki
7. If your only goal is to become rich, you will never reach it. © John D. Rockefeller
8. Money does not make you happy. I now have 50 million, and I'm as happy as if I had 48 million. © Arnold Schwarzenegger
9. People do not want to be rich, people want to be richer than others. © John Stuart Mill
10. Do not say you work. Show me what you have earned. © Thomas Robert Dewar
11. Who works all day, no time to make money. © John D. Rockefeller
12. The recipe for success: learning, while the others are sleeping; work, while the rest hang around; get ready while the others are playing; and dream while others only wish. © William A. Ward
13. It is well known that 20% of the people do 80% of the work. Recently, it was found out that 80% of people feel that they are part of the 20%. Author unknown
14. To convince people to buy things they do not need with money they do not have to make an impression on those who previously do not care - it is a scam today was truly a virtuoso. © Victor Papanek
15. Whatever your goal, you can achieve it, if you want to work. © Oprah Winfrey
16. I would prefer to receive income from the 1% of the efforts of a hundred people than 100% of its own efforts. © John D. Rockefeller
17. The markets are unstable. Invest in yourself. © Mikhail Barshchevsky
18. No matter what you think - can you or not - you are right anyway. © Henry Ford
19. You will have all, if you do not worry about who would get a reward for your merits © Benjamin Franklin
20. I'd rather hire a person with enthusiasm, than a man who knows everything. © John D. Rockefeller