15 effective ways to concentrate on the job

sometimes it focuses on job incredibly difficult. We are constantly distracted by social network or talking to colleagues. But there are cases when you need to perform the task quickly and accurately.
We are in the Website has found 15 ways to focus on the proven effectiveness research.
Reduce the number of tasks. Scientists at the University of Michigan study concluded that the human brain can handle effectively doing no more than two tasks at once. A bit of meditation. Another way to focus on work - meditate. According to scientists, daily meditation improves brain function and increases the ability to concentrate. lessons sports
To-do list will help you not to forget important tasks. According to scientists, we remember best the things that were left undone, and therefore often distracted by them in the process. The list also helps to focus on what's really important to do at the moment.
Cup of coffee. According to research by the National Center for Biotechnology Information US, caffeine in small doses helps you concentrate, especially when you feel tired.
short break. Scientists at the University of Illinois have come to the conclusion that the short rest breaks will help you not to lose energy during the day. This is the conclusion scientists have come, putting a series of experiments in which one group of people working at the computer intermittently, and the other - without interruption.
A full rest from work. leaves work, is to "forget" about the current problems and relax. So you can look at the problem in a new way after the return to the office and find a solution quickly.
Solution brainteasers. This method is not universal, but, according to the researchers, some people are really able to benefit from the "exercise for the brain».
Silence. Research Seton Hill University have shown that the human body is not able to adapt to any whatsoever noise - even to the "background." The more noise the more cortisol is released in the body, and this hormone during stress.
Rule «20/20/20». Doctors recommend that people are constantly working at the computer every 20 minutes to look at a point distant 20 feet (6 meters) for 20 seconds. This will help prevent problems with eyesight, and it will be easier to focus on the job.
Sound sleep. Distraction - one of the effects of chronic sleep deprivation. Get enough sleep increase stress resistance and attention.
work "offline». Try sometimes disconnected from the Internet while working. This will help reduce the number of distractions and concentrate on the task.
The frequent change of workplace , say scientists, is not conducive to concentration and productivity. We have to be distracted by associated with the choice of working space issues, and any tasks not directly related to work, consuming energy.
The fixed working hours. Decide in advance what tasks you will perform and at what time. The most difficult task on the plan section of the day when you are most energetic, and most importantly, try to stick to that schedule.
Idleness. This kind of rest is much better than if you spend your free time on the smartphone. However, scientists at Harvard University, adding that it is not applicable to all. According to their research, the majority of people are more productive when your short break could distract your smartphone and other gadgets.
via inforeflex.wordpress.com/2015/03/page/3/