A little bit about numbers ... or .... corruption - a scourge of modern society

A little bit about the numbers ... ... and corruption - a scourge of modern society
 - Over 2 years, China produced more cement than the United States for the whole XX century. (4.9 gigatons, google yourself how much it).
 - Length of roads - 4 million. Kilometers. I'm not sure I can is the number of zeros in the head present.
 - 300 thousand bridges across the country, of which 1000 - more than a kilometer long. And until 2016 to build a bridge from Hong-Kong to Macau. Before Macau! We sailed to a year ago, an hour by high speed ship.
 - During the year the fleet increased by 20 million. Cars, and in Beijing in general can enter only if the last digit of your license plate now allowed.
 - Each year, build 100 airports. One hundred airports. Hundred. One hundred pieces. Count from one to a hundred, and each time here Imagine yourself airport. Whack! Built.
 - Giant viaducts, the length of 150 km. Viaduct! I viaducts only Simcity seen. Or, for example - a tunnel 28 km long.
 - Train from Guangzhou to Guiyang hour passes 510 bridges and 236 tunnels at speeds of 250 kilometers per hour.
 - For 30 years, the Chinese have increased the living area of ​​the country is 8 times! I kent a month can not find an apartment, and in China they give out for free.
 - After 10 years of China's 220 cities with populations greater will be 1 million. People. How have these cities will be in 10 years?
 - And all of these statistics because of one simple numbers. Since 2000, China executed 10 thousand. Officers.