The recipe for an old, proven.

Try it - get a benefit not only for the vessels and for general health promotion.
Garlic oil relieve spasms of cerebral vessels, heart spasms, relieve shortness of breath, an excellent prevention of MS and a great vasodilator.
People's recipe for garlic butter, cooked at home:
Explain to mush head of garlic 1 medium size.
We shift the pulp into a glass container (jar, a bottle with a wide neck) and fill it with 1 cup of unrefined sunflower oil.
We put in the bottom compartment of the refrigerator.
The next day, take a lemon, a little Mnemonic in his hands, and then cut off its top-bumps and squeezing 1 teaspoon of lemon juice.
Transfused juice from a teaspoon to a tablespoon and add to the same teaspoon of garlic oil.
Apply 3 times a day for 30 minutes before eating.
The course of recovery - from 1 to 3 months.
At 1 month to arrange a break, then repeat.