Unique formulations to improve vision:
• Mix equal parts of fresh blueberries and raspberries. By the way, bilberry is considered one of the best ways to improve vision - eat it without restrictions.
• Pour the boiled water from purified water three teaspoons of roots (chopped), sweet flag marsh and let infuse for half an hour composition. Eat a quarter cup three times a day.
• Take all day three - four hours five Schisandra fruit. Wash down with green tea.
• Fill four - six large spoonfuls of chopped dried roots of wheatgrass five glasses of purified water and cook until evaporation quarter volume. Ready to drink a decoction of one large spoonful of four - five times a day.
• Mix a quarter of a teaspoon of honey with half a cup of strong tea welding. The finished mixture is used for instillation in the eyes. Five drops three times a day.
• Drink at night for a glass of honey water (one teaspoon of honey in a glass of purified water).
• Drink at least one glass of fresh carrot juice with half a teaspoon of olive oil.
• One of the best ways to improve vision is a decoction of rose hips, which should be prepared on the basis of the proportion of three - four teaspoons chopped fruit into two cups of boiling water. Cook no more than five minutes. In the warm part of adding a teaspoon of honey (in a glass of broth).
• Also, to improve vision is recommended to eat a day not less than one hundred and fifty grams of salad from red beet and ginger, seasoned with lemon juice and olive oil (for tea spoon).
• Boil five minutes in two cups of water one - two teaspoons chopped nettle (you can use the leaves and stems), then strain the broth through a cheesecloth and mix it with green tea. Eat for half a cup a day.
• Boil in one cup of clean boiled water one teaspoon of dried calendula, and then give the infusion to stand in a warm place three - five minutes and strain it. Tool use a glass of every four - six hours. You can add honey.
• Pour one teaspoon fennel seeds (dry) cup of boiling water. Five minutes later, drink the infusion in small sips. Eat twice a day.