The last time we talked to you about the fact that there are different centers of power, the so-called chakras. As you know, the chakras - a source of energy, which are located around the perimeter of the spine. These are the main chakras, and all seven of them. There is an additional chakras, which are located respectively in the feet, knees, shoulders, elbows and hands. I must say that the chakras palms are used for healing, because the surface is very sensitive hands - there is a large number of nerve endings. In addition, we note that in the Chinese alchemical tradition can be distinguished in the palms of the so-called "Gate of energy».
These are special points that are located between the thumb and middle finger of both hands. These points are used (and continue to be used) in order to convey the flow of energy to the person who needs healing, or to gain power alone.
The process of healing can not be affected us here - because there are a lot of postulates that just do not fit into a short article, as well as the skills needed to work with a person. Here, however, we can take the first step and narrow our attention to this process as "opening the gates of power." Prior to this, we note that in different traditions, this process is called differently - someone talks about the chakras of the palms and touch the energy field of education (and this is true). Someone that when held in the palm of your hand against each other, there is the image of "Spring" (and this is true). And someone says that there is a natural manifested "energy ball", which can strengthen (and this is also, as you know, is true).
All these descriptions, as we have said are true. But including one thing in common - there is a certain technique that facilitates the opening of the centers of power in his hands. And different traditions used its many variations. Here we offer you to master it, to make the first step towards help both themselves and other creatures.
Step 1. Take a comfortable position. Rub the palms against each other for 30-40 seconds.
Step 2. Enter into a meditative state.
Step 3: Focus on the "dominant" palm.
Step 4. Mentally study the structure inside the palm. Imagine that in your hand there are power strip all very positive color for you. Mentally inhale and exhale of the strip until it is more and more evident.
Step 5. Move the focus on the second hand, imagine there is a strip and has two palms inhale until the strips are more severe, and while you "retracts" through breathing atoms in them from the external environment.
Step 6. Feel the sensations: heat, springs, ripple, etc.
Step 7. Feel the stripe goes radiation. From stripes on the palm of the radiation goes forward to a point, as if forming a triangle. The same thing with the second hand.
Step 8 triangles touching peaks when palms are turned to each other. In contact point vertex formed strong energy that rotates counterclockwise.
Step 9. point rotates on her "wound" atoms - thus this field is expanding.
Step 10. Let the field expanded to the palms and filled with more and more energy.
Step 11. Remove the power to get the ball over the head, or "the subconscious." Let there to spread energy throughout the body.
Step 12. Complete the exercise.