The complex asanas female practice.

Closer to its true nature, to reconnect with the feminine part of their being to help special set of exercises, which shows the head of a network of centers YOGA PRACTIKA, yoga instructor Elena Ulmasbaeva.
Innovative woman working alongside men and also concerned about career opportunities. Its existence is not subject to cyclical rhythm natural for her body, causing her to lose contact with the female part of his being. "First of all it affects the organs and systems, which are linked to reproduction, maternity, - says Elena Ulmasbaeva. - But, ultimately, it affects not only the health, but also on the self-perception of women & quot ;. Complex special asana helps to restore the circulation of energy, improving blood circulation in the pelvic area, returns mobility of the hip joint. Improved well-being, a surge of strength, the return of confidence, a sense of harmony and tranquility - that's at least what promises to regular practice.
*Attention! All posture but Viparita Karani, you can perform during menstruation - they facilitate the state.
Baddha Konasana
If the women's practice was his hit list, the first line of it, certainly, have had Baddha Konasana (in translation - "grasped posture angle"). This asana is aimed at solving the pelvis - a real treasure. It returns the mobility of hip and improves blood circulation in the lower abdomen, tones the kidneys, prevents problems with back pain, strengthens the uterus and bladder. Baddha Konasanu can - and should - perform at the time of menstruation: it relieves pain and spasms, relieves general condition in the critical days. However, in the other days of the cycle, it also will benefit. Generally, this position is very important for women, so it is advisable to learn to stay in it as long as possible. When you have mastered the technique, use any time to sit in Baddha Konasane - for example, when watching TV or just relaxing at home.
Bolster Slide the wall and sit on it. Bend your knees and spread them apart, connecting the foot. Try to move up the foot as close as possible to the crotch. Lean against a wall with his back in the shoulder blades and sacrum, but still maintain the natural curve of the spine.
Put your fingers on the Bolster on both sides of the pelvis. Helping himself with his hands, pull up the spine. Along with spinal traction work hips: direct their inner side up front - back, external - down and back - forward. In this work the hip joints begin to unfold, the abdomen is released and fall below the knees.
Breathe smoothly and quietly. Do not strain your stomach - it should be soft and relaxed. It is not necessary to direct the force of a lap down. At the beginning it is always difficult to achieve disclosure of the pelvis, but it comes with practice. Stay in the pose for 1-2 minutes.
Tip: * Your knees are above the pelvis? So, the height of Bolster's not enough. Bolster Put on a folded blanket, or even a few blankets - Experiment with the height to achieve the best position for you.
* Do you feel that the lower abdomen tense? Place a brick or under your knees folded blanket.
Upavishta Konasana
Immediately after Baddha Konasana can do another position on the disclosure of the pelvis - Upavishta Konasanu (which means - "sitting posture angle"). This asana helps blood circulation in the pelvic area stimulates the ovaries and helps with gynecological problems.
You will most likely need a folded blanket or Bolster.
Sit on the mat, spread legs wide apart. Ideally, the pelvis and the feet should be on one line. Stretch your legs, heels should be directed to the floor.
Put your hands on your fingers on both sides of the pelvis. Starting from the floor with your fingers, pull up the spine. Try to sit exactly on the sitting bones, does not move forward or backward. Continue to pull the legs apart and the spine - up. Slightly bent at the hips, hold the thumb, index and middle fingers of the big toes. Stay in the pose for 1-2 minutes, breathe smoothly and calmly.
Tip: * You generally difficult to separate the legs and keep the balance in the pose? Then sit higher on a folded blanket.
During the month of slopes are particularly useful Upavishta Konasana:
* Sit on a folded blanket, spread his legs wide.
* Put Bolster across the right foot on either side put a hand on his fingers.
* Based fingers from the floor, while inhaling, expand the body to the right leg, making sure that the left buttock had been pressed to the floor. On the exhale, slide your hand on the leg and pulling forward. At the lowest point of his hands grab the foot and lower forehead to Bolster. Hold this position for a minute. On the inhale, and climb back to the center.
* Place Bolster ahead and do forward bend in the same technique. Perhaps for this slope you will need not one, but two Bolster.
* Go up and take the slope to the left leg.
Supta Baddha Konasana (posture angle grasped lying)
Roll up from the blanket roll, another blanket fold the rectangle (it will be at your head). Sit in Baddha Konasanu on the floor so that your toes to the sides and rested against the wall. Roll up the blanket roller is located along the spine, from the sacrum. Helping himself with his hands, lower back on a roll, and a head - on a blanket. Dip your hands along the body and relax. Stay in the pose for 5-8 minutes.
This is another wonderful position for relaxation. The front part of the body is stretched in length and expands, so the internal organs get more space and better functioning. A disclosure of the chest gives a feeling of harmony and peace.
Janu Sirshasana (tilt your head forward to the knee)
Sit on a blanket or a brick. Bend the right knee, pull up to his foot so that she was at the base of the left thigh. The left leg is stretched forward. On the exhale, bend forward to the left leg, making sure your stomach has been deployed to the left. Taps on the shoulders of the head and relax your neck. Stay in the pose for 2-3 minutes, then adjust the position of the feet and repeat the move to the other side.
This asana tones the liver and spleen and has thus a beneficial effect on digestion. It tones and activates the kidneys that felt right during asanas. Very well it helps with PMS.
Viparita Karani (inverted posture candles) in three
Place the brick wall, covered with a blanket, and Bolster (roller). Take the support sideways to the wall, bend your knees. Then lean back and lift your legs up alternately so that they touch the back surface of the wall. The chest uncovered and raised, arms and shoulders bent freely lie on the floor. Under the head can put a folded blanket (and at an elevated pressure is a must). After two minutes, spread legs, in Upavishta Konasane, and a couple of minutes - bend as in Baddha Konachane. In general it can remain in position 5-10 minutes. Then gently slide on the floor with the support, a little lie down, turn on your right side and stand.
Viparita Karani - excellent posture for relaxation, very comfortable, relieve fatigue. But, of course, we must remember that it, like other inversions can not be performed during menstruation.