How useful lotus posture?
• It improves blood circulation of the pelvic organs and tones the muscles of the back - is if we talk about the gross body. As for the body thinner, it is said that to sit in the lotus position may be the only one who's all right with the two lower chakras.
• Burns sins by lifting Apana Vayu, because energy channels feet leading to Hell overlap thus prevent the loss of energy through the bottom.
• Apana Vayu - "power of death" is always flowing down and out of it sooner or later, the giver of the person's death. It is responsible for the excretory and reproductive functions. Her excessive leakage leads to lust and thus reduce the level of intelligence, in extreme cases - to depression, apathy, and other serious mental conditions (all of them are associated with excessive energy loss through the channels leading to the Infernal Worlds). Accordingly, the purpose of yoga is to raise the Apana Vayu up, so it is believed that the saint (enlightened) man - is the one who has all Apana flows upward (to the Paradise worlds), when Apana mixed with Prana Vayu in Manipur comes Samadhi (experience of truth In practice, that is, one begins to see everything as it is, and does not fall more in the illusion of the material world).
• According to the theory of yoga for our sins (mental blocks, bad samskaras, dirty energy, etc.) are added to the subtle bodies from the bottom up (ie first deposited at the bottom and the extent of pollution higher and higher). That's why the feet are considered the dirtiest in terms of energy, so if you sit legs extended to an Indian - you insulted (especially worth it to remember, if you happen to get to the satsang of a guru). The tradition of touching the feet of the enlightened, is also growing from here - so people like to say, "we recognize that you are completely cleansed from their sins, so we have a great benefit - to touch your feet and thus obtain a blessing." So, as the lotus posture expands Apana up, it starts to burn, wash the sins of those same blocks, from which arises the pain, and in the further practice very distinct burning sensation. This does not mean that you have to force yourself and try to stay longer, such violence only breed more violence (health problems).
• Enables sushumna and accordingly puts the person in the "Mode" goodness of sushumna raises the energy from the muladhara to sahasrara. Therefore, you can also say that helps to awaken the Kundalini (potential human sleep near the coccyx). So padmasana deployed Apana up and where did she go? Well, of course in the sushumna! According to the theory of yoga, there are three channels: Ida - left, feminine, cold channel (corresponds to the mode of ignorance - the inertia and passivity), pingala - right, masculine, hot channel (corresponds to the mode of passion - the activity and activity). Between them in the spine passes sushumna - central channel corresponding to the mode of goodness characterized by peace, understanding and wisdom.