About Yoga and cleansing the body (Andrei Siderskiĭ)
Recently, a very widespread kind of "cut" of the practice of hatha yoga such as "fit-yoga", "yoga-fitness", etc.
Their implementation is justified by the fact that, say, hatha yoga - it is much complicated and cumbersome - all there cleansing practices wells tions ... We say, take exercises for health and prevention, and the rest of us to anything. And exercise "take" fitness instructors, aerobics and other similar disciplines, under pressure from the upcoming Hollywood Yoga have passed some positions in the list of services fashion fitness centers and clubs. Take - and apply yogic techniques as applied technology training in "their" disciplines. All is good, but the point that in this case, it turns out, is not just distorted, but more dangerous to the health of those to whom these approaches are offered as a guide to action. Iboyogicheskie technology by type of impact on the system of the human body is fundamentally different from other athletic and sports equipment.
Particularly significant in this context, the following aspects of the impact of yoga exercises.
Their practice reorganizes and optimizes the system processes, including - Direct absorption of substances from the colon into the bloodstream. Through study of the abdominal cavity during practice yoga gymnastic techniques it is considerably intensified.
The presence of a dense wall layer humus shit and long-standing so-called "fecal stones" in the colon - a typical situation for the vast majority of human beings leading a normal average life. The intensification of the process of absorption by diligent practice leads to an increase in the intensity of direct entry of toxins into the blood through the capillaries of the villi of the intestinal wall and accelerate their distribution throughout the body. The brain receives its portion of poison right there on the spot quickly. I wonder how a purity of thoughts and intentions a person whose brain is filled to capacity most natural, moreover, no longer a fresh shit. And what is the emotional coloring of psychedelic fantasies, attending his tainted imagination? Liver, of course, trying to, as you can but, of course, in the end can not cope. The result is a deep common autointoxication organism - "acidification" of blood and other intercellular fluids (see. Sivananda "Yogoterapiya"). And this is creating an environment in which great coexist and actively multiply viruses, bacteria and fungi. In weakly alkaline medium they, as is evident from the experiments, known since the middle of last century, they do not live. Furthermore, when mixed in balance intercellular medium "acidic" side hampered excretion of waste products from the intracellular spaces of cells of the organism tissue (membrane permeability blocking phenomenon due hut accurate tensioning of cell membranes due to the pH difference between the adjacent fluids). As a result, autintoksikatsii at intercellular fluids added intracellular endointoxication waste process of cell activity.
The more intense practice at the lobby of raw intestines, the higher the level of self-poisoning organism. Acidification of blood and other fluids leads to a shift of the salt balance - problems arise in the joints, especially in the joints of the spine. Trying to solve them at the expense of further intensification practices through mechanical destruction of salt deposits leads to an overload of the kidneys and the emergence of salty stones in them. The liver and gallbladder get sing "dose" - developed cholecystitis with all its attendant chronic consequences. Continuing the acidic environment in the stomach - regardless of whether the process of digestion or not - and here's the result - gastritis, gastro, erosion, ulcer. By the way, quite typical for the balance of "western yogis." Acidic saliva - high abrasion and decay. Well, then, and periodontal disease ...
Thus, the practice of the techniques of Hatha Yoga without careful maintenance of the purity of the digestive tract leads to the emergence and strengthening of a number of system problems, and ultimately - to mental disorders (instead of stabilizing the mental condition which, in fact, is called "yoga", and for the sake of all of which, as if the idea is done).
Only one regular bowel cleansing is not enough. It is necessary to allow the removal of metabolic products at all levels and make the incoming nutrients as little as possible "zakislyayushimi 'blood.
The first problem is solved by continuously receiving a fair amount of pure water, the second - at the expense of formation of proper nutrition. How - and then, and more fully described in the yogic literature.
The negative psycho-emotional background biochemical shifts the balance towards acidification of the internal environment. The principles to themselves and to the world, the observance of which allows it to avoid, were also formulated a long time ago. They are described in the literature as yama and niyama. They can be regarded as a description of how it becomes a way of life and attitude to the world of the one who has managed to succeed in the practice of yoga and time correctly to figure out what's what. Just as the rules of the road can be regarded as a description of how becoming a way of driving those who managed not to be killed before I realized what was happening ... but the vast majority of more or less sensible potential drivers still somehow does not sit for steering wheel as long as read - and quite well - with the rules of road safety. So, that yama and niyama put into practice, it would be nice first as a practitioner should understand that it should implement the judges ...
Summary: yoga cleansing (or similar to it on the effectiveness of) practice, proper nutrition (in accordance with the principles set out in the literature), yogic drinking water, following the principles of yama and niyama - the required minimum safety standards. Without it, the exercises of hatha yoga has a chance to become a versatile tool for successful total self-destruction. And the practice is intense, especially in this situation the process of "digging their own graves" is a right way ...
Criteria for the correctness of the approach to practice as long ago known and formulated in medieval treatises. Nice dry sweet smell of the body, tight elastic skin is golden brown, clear piercing eyes, it is a clear, calm and equanimity, lean muscular body.
From the yogi can not stink - either from the skin or mouth. The yogi can not be bold. The yogi can not be frail. At the yogi can not be loose flabby skin. The yogi can not be exposed to uncontrolled "emotsuhe." Yogi can not be characterized by uncontrollable attacks of verbal diarrhea. The presence of any of the above shortcomings indicates incorrectness practice. Everything is connected to everything. Bad smell indicates intoxication, which leads to poisoning of the brain, which is fraught with uncontrolled emotion, which, in turn, negates any attempt to control brain processes ...
Feebleness and obesity do not allow efficient use of the musculoskeletal system as a tool for optimizing the impact on the function of organs and systems. As a result, the function of organs and systems can not achieve the optimum, which is required to meet the requirements of the day of the functional compliance of changing the operating mode of the brain, caused by the practice of yogic psycho. This leads to disruption of the biochemical balance at all levels of the body and clear ... Then ...
But !!!
Purification and adherence to the principles of the well-niyamas without practice - is nonsense, since the weakening and makes vulnerable to external and sotsiopsihicheskih psychotronic influences. The sensitivity is increased and resources are necessary for an adequate response - no. Neither the functionality nor the energy nor in the system control.
Practice psycho methods without purification and "special physical education" - a guaranteed deadlock. Requirements for the functioning of the system are growing, there are no resources, and the system attempts to somehow intensify and optimize the exchange due to possibly existing reserves poured into all the same autointoxication.
"Spetsfizkultura" and cleansing without psychotechnics - this, at least, is not dangerous, it is quite useful, but ... Reminds artillery hunting small birds.
Still, the optimum - in a comprehensive and systematic approach to practice - as recommended by Patanjali, and other Svatmarama other ...