How to pump up the muscles of the buttocks at home.

Exercise 1. You can do sit-ups every day, at least 10 times. The only condition is that the heel is not fixed on the floor, and do not give the desired load on the muscles. And the result will not wait for a month, you have already experienced what your muscles become elastic.
Exercise 2. Lie on the floor on his stomach, arms along the body, the head rests on the chin. Alternately, lift straight leg up as far as you can. For efficiency, you can delay the leg suspended in the air for a few seconds.
Exercise 3. Lie on the floor on your back, legs bent at the knees, palms put under the buttocks. It is necessary to lift the hips up as far as possible. In this case, the rise to strain muscles, squeezing their domestic efforts. If this exercise has become too easy for you, you can add a delay of the pelvis at the top for a few seconds and still splay and knees, as if "popping" them. Continue to repeat until you feel the muscle ache.
Exercise 4. Get on your knees, palms rest against the floor. One knee is on the floor and straighten the other leg and lift up, when it does not forget that the sock should look down. When you can not drop your leg down to touch the floor, that is, the leg all the time should be shed. Then repeat the same with the other leg. When the exercise is done with straight legs, do a bent 90 ° at the knee with his foot. First leg straighten shed, then bend up the heel. And in this position move up and down the leg. The foot should be clearly fixed, do not dangle from side to side.
Exercise 5. As in the previous exercise, get up on his knees. Leg just put aside, in the same position in which she is standing on her lap. When you try to keep the foot abduction angle of 90 °. This exercise is well worked side glutes, where is the sciatic nerve. Making alternating each leg 10-12 times.
If you happen to overdo the exercises and the next day almost can not walk and sit, then soak in a warm bath with sea salt. The muscles relax and warm as - will be much easier. Better yet, if you are someone make a gentle massage. After a day or two muscles recover and be ready for the gym.
After a month or two you will see that in order to pump up the muscles of the buttocks is not necessary to attend a fitness club, and it is possible even at home.