How to remove papillomas on the skin at home: it means breaking all records in efficiency!

Papilloma skin - it is benign, caused by the human papillomavirus (HPV). They are more than a cosmetic problem than medical. Remove them are actually quite simple. The procedure can be done even at home!

Doug Will, a practitioner from New York, offers a very simple solution to address this problem. He advises Use apple cider vinegar

Put a little bit of apple cider vinegar on a cotton swab or a clean towel and wetting papilloma three times a day. A couple of days you'll see how to change the color of the papilloma. The procedure is done in a few weeks, until the tumor will not disappear.

«to make the procedure safer, diluted vinegar with a little water before treating papilloma» em>, - says Dr. Doug Willene.

Among the many other folk methods Apple Cider Vinegar shows the most successful results in the fight against papillomas. Share with your friends this useful news!
