The ending space and that outside it?
Many believe that the universe is infinite. However, the modern view on this issue other. It is believed that the universe was formed in the Big Bang, which occurred mene 13 billion. Years ago. Then it happened very fast expansion that continues today. Expansion is constantly accelerating, but still its speed is finite, so that during the lifetime of the universe she could be endless.
Here are some details, which the vast majority of people do not understand, and those who understand they say that they can not explain. However, it is believed that those who can not explain, really do not understand. So I will try to explain so that everyone can understand. I do not know if, but I'll try.
So the universe is finite, but its borders are unattainable, because in accordance with modern ideas, nothing can travel at the speed of light or faster. And modern physics is considering several "End of the Universe", each of which has its application in solving various problems.
The first hypothesis of an expanding universe expressed in 1920 our compatriot Friedman, however, in the science of this fact is connected with the name of Edwin Hubble. He opened a law that states that the farther away an object is, the faster it is removed from us. Therefore, there is the distance at which all objects moving away from us at the speed of light. This distance itself increases the speed of light, forming a sphere, which for some reason called the Hubble sphere :) Sense sphere Hubble - the distance that light passed during the existence of the universe.
Consider the most distant objects that are available to our observation. Over time, the light from the more and more objects have time to reach us, that is, we get the opportunity to observe more and more distant objects. The distance to them than the distance that had to pass the light emitted by them because the objects themselves during this time had us removed in accordance with the law of Hubble. This "edge of the universe" refers to the particle horizon. Its meaning is. Horizon particles - is the greatest distance from us, which can achieve material objects in our universe.