The five most beautiful and successful mannequins USSR
The term "fashion model" in the sense of "fashion model" - Soviet origin. It came about when, with the Khrushchev thaw, the country is not that gushed - thin trickle flowed ... Job fashion model so popular in the modern world, was considered undervalued. The model is called "demonstrators clothes" and their salary does not exceed 76 rubles.
And yet there were beautiful women who managed to build a career - one at home, the other abroad. Website publishes a compilation of the Soviet top models.
Regina Zbarskaya h2> One of the most famous and legendary mannequins 60s, Regina Zbarskaya after stunning success abroad returned to the Soviet Union, but did not find here is "their place." The frequent nervous breakdowns, depression, antidepressants have meant that she lost her job. As a result of failures in his personal life and professional unrealized most beautiful woman of the country in 1987, committed suicide.
Galina Milovskaya h2> Russian Galina Milovskaya called "Twiggy" - because of the uncharacteristic fashion models thinness that time: the growth of 170 cm, she weighed 42 kg. In 1970 Galina won not only the Moscow catwalk, but also overseas. She was invited to shoot a «Vogue», in 1974, she emigrated and stayed in London. She married a French banker who left her career as a model, she graduated from the Faculty of Film Directing at the Sorbonne and was held as a director of a documentary filmmaker.
Tatyana Solovyova h2> Perhaps one of the most prosperous and successful was the fate of Tatiana Solovieva. The fashion house she came by chance on the ad. Tatiana was higher education, which is why it stuck the nickname "institutochka».
Elena Metelkina h2> Probably everyone remembers a woman from the future - Pauline - which helped beloved Alice Selezneva in the film "Guest from the Future." Few people know that this role brilliantly played by Helen mannequin Metelkina. Her unearthly appearance contributed to the fact that it played more than one role in the movie - the film "Through thorns to the stars", such as it was alien Niya.
Mila Romanov h2> Mila Romanov - a constant rival Regina Zbarskii - was another star of the podium of the Soviet 1960s. Abroad the blonde called "Slavic beauty incarnate." Despite the success in the USSR, Mila result still left the country, first to France and then to England, where she has remained.
And yet there were beautiful women who managed to build a career - one at home, the other abroad. Website publishes a compilation of the Soviet top models.