Secrets of oriental medicine: Mongolian salt massage of the cervical spine.
Even 100 years ago with pain in the cervical spine and with such diseases as osteochondrosis people they encountered only in old age. Today, such a problem arises, and 20-year-olds. All this is mainly due to sedentary lifestyles and computer work. Fortunately, low back pain can be successfully treated. The main thing - it is a comprehensive approach to the problem. We suggest you adopt a salt massage cervical spine. This recipe we have borrowed from the Mongolian medicine. They are used by many practitioners healers.
You will need: 1 h. liter. salt; 2 tbsp. l. vegetable oil. Cooking:
Mix coarse table salt and vegetable oil. It is best to give preference unrefined.
Lay the mixture on the neck vertebrae and a good massage hands. This massage is done for 10 minutes. Wash away the remnants of salt water.
Already after the first time in many relief occurs in the neck. After a few days you will notice results in improving health.
Also in the East they say that with cervical osteochondrosis is related to many diseases of the eye. Therefore, this massage eradicating a problem, and fixes some problems with his vision.
Ask someone to give you a massage, if you can not the done it myself.
Share with your friends this wonderful way to treat pain in the cervical spine.
via takprosto.cc
You will need: 1 h. liter. salt; 2 tbsp. l. vegetable oil. Cooking:
Mix coarse table salt and vegetable oil. It is best to give preference unrefined.
Lay the mixture on the neck vertebrae and a good massage hands. This massage is done for 10 minutes. Wash away the remnants of salt water.
Already after the first time in many relief occurs in the neck. After a few days you will notice results in improving health.
Also in the East they say that with cervical osteochondrosis is related to many diseases of the eye. Therefore, this massage eradicating a problem, and fixes some problems with his vision.
Ask someone to give you a massage, if you can not the done it myself.
Share with your friends this wonderful way to treat pain in the cervical spine.
via takprosto.cc
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