Official: Selected most sad and depressed job in the world
Fuschia Sumner and her dad musician StingKomanda cleaners, known as the "Lonely Death Squads" (death squad alone), is engaged in cleaning the houses, in which a few months lay dead elderly forgotten by their relatives. After removal of the decomposed corpse of the police, this command proceeds to cleaning and emptying of the room, filled with debris and flies. In a rapidly aging Japan, more and more people die alone in a country of 127 million people.
Photo apartment in Tokyo, showing the cleaners, who are engaged in the removal of debris and devastation of the room in which the deceased had his last dni
Workers use a special service insecticidal smoke to kill the flies that filled the apartment
Hundreds of flies on the window of the apartment where the body of the deceased 85-year-old man lay for a month
The owner Hirotsugu Masoud prays in front of the apartment, to show their respect for the spirit of the deceased.
Employees of the service have to be a psychologist, because according to statistics, 90% of them develop depression in the first month of work and only 30% of them worked in this position at least a year.
Dirty bath and toilet in the apartment of a deceased man
Police took, as it often happens, badly decomposing body of a man, before the arrival of the team of cleaners
Watches, letters and other latest memory of the dead - all this will soon go to a landfill
Most of these houses are very similar, they are filled with dirty dishes, closed letters and calendars
All garbage and other content easy apartments placed in plastic bags
Condoms have been found in a Tokyo apartment where an old man lay dead in a month
Hirotsugu Massoud check things on the documents for loss and identity theft
Removal of the last
After the work team of cleaners, the apartment is completely empty
The neighbors did not notice the absence of 85-year-old elderly man. The Bank continued to charge the lease payments, the family was not hung, but the only reason was the occasion for the discovery of the body, the complaint was the tenant of apartment below, which complained about the unpleasant smell easy
After the contents of the apartment were placed in bags and cardboard boxes, it was loaded into a truck and soon will go to the dump
Hirotsugu Massoud lit incense in a place where the deceased lay his head and said a prayer
Cleaners, along with 77-year-old owner of the apartment Yoshie Fukuhara, check things and documents
The landlady Yoshie Fukuhara, laid flowers and prayed at the site where the body of 85-year-old man lay for a month
The last goodbye. "I never thought it would happen here," - said 77-year-old landlady
Photo apartment in Tokyo, showing the cleaners, who are engaged in the removal of debris and devastation of the room in which the deceased had his last dni

Workers use a special service insecticidal smoke to kill the flies that filled the apartment

Hundreds of flies on the window of the apartment where the body of the deceased 85-year-old man lay for a month

The owner Hirotsugu Masoud prays in front of the apartment, to show their respect for the spirit of the deceased.
Employees of the service have to be a psychologist, because according to statistics, 90% of them develop depression in the first month of work and only 30% of them worked in this position at least a year.

Dirty bath and toilet in the apartment of a deceased man

Police took, as it often happens, badly decomposing body of a man, before the arrival of the team of cleaners

Watches, letters and other latest memory of the dead - all this will soon go to a landfill

Most of these houses are very similar, they are filled with dirty dishes, closed letters and calendars

All garbage and other content easy apartments placed in plastic bags

Condoms have been found in a Tokyo apartment where an old man lay dead in a month

Hirotsugu Massoud check things on the documents for loss and identity theft

Removal of the last

After the work team of cleaners, the apartment is completely empty

The neighbors did not notice the absence of 85-year-old elderly man. The Bank continued to charge the lease payments, the family was not hung, but the only reason was the occasion for the discovery of the body, the complaint was the tenant of apartment below, which complained about the unpleasant smell easy

After the contents of the apartment were placed in bags and cardboard boxes, it was loaded into a truck and soon will go to the dump

Hirotsugu Massoud lit incense in a place where the deceased lay his head and said a prayer

Cleaners, along with 77-year-old owner of the apartment Yoshie Fukuhara, check things and documents

The landlady Yoshie Fukuhara, laid flowers and prayed at the site where the body of 85-year-old man lay for a month

The last goodbye. "I never thought it would happen here," - said 77-year-old landlady

Secrets of oriental medicine: Mongolian salt massage of the cervical spine.
Star 13 fathers and their adult daughters