Take care of a person
Nick Vujcic once said: "When you do not know what is the meaning of life - it helps." So little and at the same time a lot can be done to those who are near. Often this is called spontaneous acts of kindness. And not only to people but also to those who can not give anything in return. We can pass, and we can share what we have - caring, kind attitude. Our younger brothers could not speak, but satisfy the gratitude - service, dedication, especially eyes. At such moments svetleesh soul and realize that a small business can lead to big changes.
Website is divided into moments of life of people with a big heart.
Lullaby for the ship's cat Konvoya
Who has seen death, the value of life znaet
A new friend
"And there was, therefore, at the witch black cat Willie ..."
Compassion is developing detstva
Most lyubov
The cost of their zhizni
Instead of a thousand words, you can just reach ruku
When the soul is generous for lyubov
Give hugs legko
What can we build a house? Draw - we live!
War does not negate dobroty
When another life vazhnee
Photos in the preview: imagenescompartidas.weebly.com
via imagenescompartidas.weebly.com/blog/category/mini-pig
Website is divided into moments of life of people with a big heart.
Lullaby for the ship's cat Konvoya
Who has seen death, the value of life znaet
A new friend
"And there was, therefore, at the witch black cat Willie ..."
Compassion is developing detstva
Most lyubov
The cost of their zhizni
Instead of a thousand words, you can just reach ruku
When the soul is generous for lyubov
Give hugs legko
What can we build a house? Draw - we live!
War does not negate dobroty
When another life vazhnee
Photos in the preview: imagenescompartidas.weebly.com
via imagenescompartidas.weebly.com/blog/category/mini-pig