The method of "green hands"

leading blog about parenting and mother Tatyana Ivanko decided to speculate on how the selected bugs affect the future child's perception of the world. Website said that in the reasoning of the author there is some truth.
"I'll start a little distance. My daughter almost did not go to school early development. I dealt with it myself. When we trained hand in front of the school, our notebook looked like this:

▫Vidite difference? I emphasized to her red paste error. I highlighted in green paste the letters and hooks that receive her well. She is very fond of, and always after each line asked: "Mom, what has turned out better than anyone else?" And so happy when I trace the best letter, saying: "Perfect!»
▫V difference between the approaches? We realized already?
In the first case, we are focusing on mistakes. What is deposited in your photomemory? That's right, those letters clumsily written, what is wrong. Have you seen these red underlining perfectly written letter? No! Whether we like it or not, but subconsciously we remember what is allocated. In the second case, we focus on what has been done right! We get a completely different emotion, a different perception. Whether we like it or not, we subconsciously seek to repeat what was perfect! It is a different intrinsic motivation - not a desire to avoid the error, and the desire to do good! Now note the question: how isolated errors in a notebook affect subsequent adulthood?
The answer is obvious. We are accustomed from childhood to focus on the shortcomings, on what is wrong, the fact that it seems to us bad. We are accustomed to this school with the help of the red paste, we are accustomed to this house when often made remarks for what has been done wrong than praised for what we have done well.
Of the 20 written in a series of hooks underlined there was only one. Ie 19 were written well, and 1 - imperfect.
Why do we focus on this one?
That this habit (a bad highlighted in red), which we sharpen since childhood, and which will not erase from our minds in adulthood, and become the most common cause of dissatisfaction in life.
What is the focus, and then grows. What attention is directed and then increases. Since childhood, it all starts from childhood, we drag into adulthood all our habits and skills, and not all of them serve us in good stead.
Introducing the principle of "green paste", you will see that even if you do not specify the child mistakes, they gradually go away by themselves, because the child seeks to make himself perfectly, by their own free will.
Author: Tatyana Ivanko
via real-parents.ru/kak-oshibki-v-tetradi-vliyayut-na-kolichestvo-razvodov.html