5 facts about how red and blue govern your behavior
Imagine that you have a huge button, clicking on which you can smash the hell out of the whole planet. Try to imagine the button. Presented? What color is it? < Almost 100% of people it will be red. In two colors - red and blue - our body responds to such a mysterious way that science still throws up his hands.
The site decided to tell how these magical colors affect all our lives.
1. Give you an undeserved preimuschestvoVo the Olympic Games of 2004, it was estimated that the most points from the judges gave the athletes dressed in red. The study found that those 13% more likely to get a point.
And if you think that the "power" red due to the fact that we are from childhood used to see red warning signs and fire engines, then why monkeys react to this color is about the same as we are? < br />
In one experiment, the researchers fed the monkeys, dressed alternately in red, blue and green clothes. With green and blue were no problems. But on the red shirts monkeys reacted as if they were offered a dinner of pure poison. Red means danger for them. A danger - is in some sense and strength, and power.
Confirmations magical power you can find a lot of red - is just to look around. Take, for example, lipstick. It's no secret that a woman with bright red lipstick on the lips of men awarded special attention.
If you think that you do not red lipstick goes - wear a red blouse. Research has shown that waitresses in red blouses men were given 14, 6-26, 1% more than the tip.
2. Affects mental sposobnostiEsli look at the red before the test like IQ, its level will be lower. And quite significantly.
Students who solve puzzles on ingenuity in red environment, cope with the task much worse, because the color to set them more cautious. When all the red circle, people subconsciously trying to avoid complex and ambiguous situations ; and if you are on the alert all the time and wait for a dirty trick, you find it difficult to think productively.
In that case, what color will help restore calm and discretion? The same that occurs before the eyes, when we say "cold" - that is blue. If the red is good for solving problems that require attention to detail - it generally attracts attention - the blue relaxes our nervous system.
Why blue "pushes the horizons" of our thinking, and the red of his narrows and concentrates? Although scientists give an exact answer, it seems to us obvious - is associated with the blue sky and the sea - two huge open spaces.
3. Makes you physically silneeVo one experiment students were asked to try their hand using dynamometer. This visual signals fed to the red, gray and blue background. When the background was red, young people compress the spring faster and stronger.
Although blue is usually has an effect opposite of red, research, and found him quite some surprising properties.
For example, blue light helps you to wake up ... even if you are blind
Furthermore. People who pass the test for memorization, achieved the best results in a brightly lit room with a predominance of blue light spectrum. Those who sit in front of LED screens, emits blue light, in some cases, the results showed an improvement of almost 70%!
Unfortunately, the new electronic devices using light of a shorter "blue" wave - is easier on the eyes and more productive. Unfortunately - because blue light can cause insomnia.
4. Heal vasSpetsialisty NASA discovered what happens when we substitute their precious cells light near-infrared (this is just beyond visible red light) and developed a technology called, which allowed restore the health of human cells by using radiation wavelength of light. This device has tried to use in the treatment of burns, diabetic ulcers on the skin, and more, and have achieved impressive results.
Particularly successful was the treatment of lesions of the oral mucosa. From these painful ulcers suffer from 5 to 15% of cancer patients after radiotherapy sessions. NASA found that only two weeks of light therapy for 88 seconds a day leads to pain relief in 96% of cases.
In blue, too, have some trump cards. It is extremely unpleasant for bacteria and can "cool" seething passion.
5. And finally, color affects what you pokupaeteKogda companies spend millions on it to draw the logo and colors to choose for him, then do not do it because they have nowhere else to put money. All this is done in order to properly press on with you our colored "buttons».
Take, for example, online shopping. It turns out, people are willing to buy food at the pages with red background - but only when they see a really competitive product
It is quite another thing, if the page background - blue. He awakens in man the generosity and desire to do more shopping.
In addition, the experience of shopping and several different studies have shown that blue environment often encourages customers to spend their money right now , less likely to delay purchases until later and in general to show greater determination in choosing products.
People obviously attract bright and warm colors, but, nevertheless, cool shades of blue and green most people seem to be positive and pleasant. They create a sense of security.
And is not that blue as the color for the advertising triggered at 100% of the cases - depending on the product. Since red makes us vigilant and careful, the company used it to promote products that are designed to "fight" with anything, there are ants or cockroaches.
But if your product is to "prevent" and "protect" the blue handle it the best way possible.
Read more: 25 facts on which you obaldeete
via factroom.ru
The site decided to tell how these magical colors affect all our lives.

1. Give you an undeserved preimuschestvoVo the Olympic Games of 2004, it was estimated that the most points from the judges gave the athletes dressed in red. The study found that those 13% more likely to get a point.
And if you think that the "power" red due to the fact that we are from childhood used to see red warning signs and fire engines, then why monkeys react to this color is about the same as we are? < br />
In one experiment, the researchers fed the monkeys, dressed alternately in red, blue and green clothes. With green and blue were no problems. But on the red shirts monkeys reacted as if they were offered a dinner of pure poison. Red means danger for them. A danger - is in some sense and strength, and power.
Confirmations magical power you can find a lot of red - is just to look around. Take, for example, lipstick. It's no secret that a woman with bright red lipstick on the lips of men awarded special attention.
If you think that you do not red lipstick goes - wear a red blouse. Research has shown that waitresses in red blouses men were given 14, 6-26, 1% more than the tip.
2. Affects mental sposobnostiEsli look at the red before the test like IQ, its level will be lower. And quite significantly.
Students who solve puzzles on ingenuity in red environment, cope with the task much worse, because the color to set them more cautious. When all the red circle, people subconsciously trying to avoid complex and ambiguous situations ; and if you are on the alert all the time and wait for a dirty trick, you find it difficult to think productively.
In that case, what color will help restore calm and discretion? The same that occurs before the eyes, when we say "cold" - that is blue. If the red is good for solving problems that require attention to detail - it generally attracts attention - the blue relaxes our nervous system.
Why blue "pushes the horizons" of our thinking, and the red of his narrows and concentrates? Although scientists give an exact answer, it seems to us obvious - is associated with the blue sky and the sea - two huge open spaces.
3. Makes you physically silneeVo one experiment students were asked to try their hand using dynamometer. This visual signals fed to the red, gray and blue background. When the background was red, young people compress the spring faster and stronger.
Although blue is usually has an effect opposite of red, research, and found him quite some surprising properties.
For example, blue light helps you to wake up ... even if you are blind
Furthermore. People who pass the test for memorization, achieved the best results in a brightly lit room with a predominance of blue light spectrum. Those who sit in front of LED screens, emits blue light, in some cases, the results showed an improvement of almost 70%!
Unfortunately, the new electronic devices using light of a shorter "blue" wave - is easier on the eyes and more productive. Unfortunately - because blue light can cause insomnia.
4. Heal vasSpetsialisty NASA discovered what happens when we substitute their precious cells light near-infrared (this is just beyond visible red light) and developed a technology called, which allowed restore the health of human cells by using radiation wavelength of light. This device has tried to use in the treatment of burns, diabetic ulcers on the skin, and more, and have achieved impressive results.
Particularly successful was the treatment of lesions of the oral mucosa. From these painful ulcers suffer from 5 to 15% of cancer patients after radiotherapy sessions. NASA found that only two weeks of light therapy for 88 seconds a day leads to pain relief in 96% of cases.
In blue, too, have some trump cards. It is extremely unpleasant for bacteria and can "cool" seething passion.
5. And finally, color affects what you pokupaeteKogda companies spend millions on it to draw the logo and colors to choose for him, then do not do it because they have nowhere else to put money. All this is done in order to properly press on with you our colored "buttons».
Take, for example, online shopping. It turns out, people are willing to buy food at the pages with red background - but only when they see a really competitive product
It is quite another thing, if the page background - blue. He awakens in man the generosity and desire to do more shopping.
In addition, the experience of shopping and several different studies have shown that blue environment often encourages customers to spend their money right now , less likely to delay purchases until later and in general to show greater determination in choosing products.
People obviously attract bright and warm colors, but, nevertheless, cool shades of blue and green most people seem to be positive and pleasant. They create a sense of security.
And is not that blue as the color for the advertising triggered at 100% of the cases - depending on the product. Since red makes us vigilant and careful, the company used it to promote products that are designed to "fight" with anything, there are ants or cockroaches.
But if your product is to "prevent" and "protect" the blue handle it the best way possible.
Read more: 25 facts on which you obaldeete
via factroom.ru
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