15 quite unexpected and interesting facts
In this collection a lot of this that struck the editor of the Site, for example, the fact of 9 ukladyvatsya hard in the head! And how do you fact 3 ?! Okay, no more distractions. So ... 1. The Japanese media image of handcuffs made do blurred because they imply guilt, and people may get a biased judgment about a person. France also has a law banning publish photos with a clear picture of handcuffs.
2. People with a disorder called "multiple personality" can suffer different types of allergies at the same time and each one "fixed" for any one of these individuals.
3. The so-called "liquid smoke" is used for the preparation of meat dishes, as it is surprising, in fact, is the real smoke condensates rather than a set of artificial flavors.
4. There are a DVD from the stone, which can play a thousand years. They can be played on most standard players.
5. Clinical studies of alcoholism, which in 20 years took part in 1824 a man showed that heavy drinkers live longer than nondrinkers at all, even if we take into account many other variables.
6. 76% of known serial killers of the 20th century were born in the United States. And if you count from 1980 to date, the percentage of Americans maniacs will be about 85.
7. In the 1400s, Africans were trained killer bees to defend their village and keep away slave traders.
8. among Chinese young people growing in popularity conquering Christian religion. Now China has about 100 million baptized Christians, that is, seven percent of the population. Only one city of Wenzhou are 1100 churches.
9. from the foul odor of feces and gases escaping from the gut due to the presence of such chemical components as skatole and indole. At low concentrations of these components and smell flowers used in perfumery.
10. When translating the Bible at some point there was a mistake, which led to false to popular belief, that the number of the beast - it's 666. This is actually 616.
11. at a bus stop in Sweden installed devices "light therapy". It helps the Swedes deal with depression in the winter when night-time lasts for 19 hours.
13. Dogs understand when a person is sad, and quite often try to tightly against the hosts, to comfort them.
14. A team of researchers is developing a glow in the dark trees that ever be able to cover the city streets without electricity. To do this, they use enzymes possessing the biological property of glow and obtained from the bodies of jellyfish and fireflies.
15. Only eight per cent of the world currency - it is physical money. The rest exists only in computers.
via mixstuff.ru/archives/67208
2. People with a disorder called "multiple personality" can suffer different types of allergies at the same time and each one "fixed" for any one of these individuals.
3. The so-called "liquid smoke" is used for the preparation of meat dishes, as it is surprising, in fact, is the real smoke condensates rather than a set of artificial flavors.
4. There are a DVD from the stone, which can play a thousand years. They can be played on most standard players.
5. Clinical studies of alcoholism, which in 20 years took part in 1824 a man showed that heavy drinkers live longer than nondrinkers at all, even if we take into account many other variables.

6. 76% of known serial killers of the 20th century were born in the United States. And if you count from 1980 to date, the percentage of Americans maniacs will be about 85.
7. In the 1400s, Africans were trained killer bees to defend their village and keep away slave traders.
8. among Chinese young people growing in popularity conquering Christian religion. Now China has about 100 million baptized Christians, that is, seven percent of the population. Only one city of Wenzhou are 1100 churches.
9. from the foul odor of feces and gases escaping from the gut due to the presence of such chemical components as skatole and indole. At low concentrations of these components and smell flowers used in perfumery.
10. When translating the Bible at some point there was a mistake, which led to false to popular belief, that the number of the beast - it's 666. This is actually 616.

11. at a bus stop in Sweden installed devices "light therapy". It helps the Swedes deal with depression in the winter when night-time lasts for 19 hours.
13. Dogs understand when a person is sad, and quite often try to tightly against the hosts, to comfort them.
14. A team of researchers is developing a glow in the dark trees that ever be able to cover the city streets without electricity. To do this, they use enzymes possessing the biological property of glow and obtained from the bodies of jellyfish and fireflies.
15. Only eight per cent of the world currency - it is physical money. The rest exists only in computers.
via mixstuff.ru/archives/67208
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