How to grow garlic in the garden: The best advice for amateur gardeners.
Garlic - the main vegetable on our table. He is not only a tasty seasoning for the first and second dishes, but also a natural antibiotic. Daily consumption of garlic - good immunity, strong teeth and gums healthy heart, liver, and pure peace of mind! If you are the proud owner of even the small beds - you can safely take advantage of our recommendations for planting garlic. Now, your harvest will be envied even the neighbors!
1. First determine what you want to plant garlic. Winter planting before winter (September-October) and spring - when the cold end - in April.
2. Choose a suitable place to land. Garlic likes lots of sun, but you can also opt for a partial shade. Prepare the soil.
3. For planting choose only fresh garlic without dark spots and damage. You can even select the easy sprouted teeth.
4. Select only the largest cloves, then the crop will please you.
5. Soot garlic planned pit to a depth of about 5-10 cm. The distance between the teeth should be at least 20 cm.
6. Cover with hay, dry leaves, straw, compost or cut grass. This process is called mulching.
7. In the spring, after the end of the cold weather, fertilize the soil in which grow garlic.
8. If you plant garlic in the fall months, you should be very careful about watering. Otherwise, it may rot. In spring the plants watered once a week, if there is no rain. Closer to the summer watering can be reduced, as the garlic loves warm and dry.
9. Some insects, such as aphids, can significantly impair harvest. Also mulch the soil could be got field mice. Be careful and take care of their crops.
10. When the plant begins to sprout fresh shoots can be used for salads or seasoning.
11. If the stems begin to dry - garlic matured. The harvest usually lasts from late summer to late fall.
12. Digging garlic, you have to be extremely careful, because your harvest can be accidentally cut.
13. Keep the garlic may be in a ceramic bowl.
14. Or tie and hang in the closet (as an option - in the kitchen).
15. Some housewives prefer to keep the garlic in the oil, and even in vinegar! If you want to repeat their experience - certainly Put jars in the refrigerator.
Garlic bread - around the head. If you want to boast of a good harvest - sure to share with your friends that article and implement the proposed recommendations! Sure, the neighbors lined up for the secret recipe of excellent harvest!
via takprosto.cc
1. First determine what you want to plant garlic. Winter planting before winter (September-October) and spring - when the cold end - in April.

2. Choose a suitable place to land. Garlic likes lots of sun, but you can also opt for a partial shade. Prepare the soil.

3. For planting choose only fresh garlic without dark spots and damage. You can even select the easy sprouted teeth.

4. Select only the largest cloves, then the crop will please you.

5. Soot garlic planned pit to a depth of about 5-10 cm. The distance between the teeth should be at least 20 cm.

6. Cover with hay, dry leaves, straw, compost or cut grass. This process is called mulching.

7. In the spring, after the end of the cold weather, fertilize the soil in which grow garlic.

8. If you plant garlic in the fall months, you should be very careful about watering. Otherwise, it may rot. In spring the plants watered once a week, if there is no rain. Closer to the summer watering can be reduced, as the garlic loves warm and dry.

9. Some insects, such as aphids, can significantly impair harvest. Also mulch the soil could be got field mice. Be careful and take care of their crops.

10. When the plant begins to sprout fresh shoots can be used for salads or seasoning.

11. If the stems begin to dry - garlic matured. The harvest usually lasts from late summer to late fall.

12. Digging garlic, you have to be extremely careful, because your harvest can be accidentally cut.

13. Keep the garlic may be in a ceramic bowl.

14. Or tie and hang in the closet (as an option - in the kitchen).

15. Some housewives prefer to keep the garlic in the oil, and even in vinegar! If you want to repeat their experience - certainly Put jars in the refrigerator.

Garlic bread - around the head. If you want to boast of a good harvest - sure to share with your friends that article and implement the proposed recommendations! Sure, the neighbors lined up for the secret recipe of excellent harvest!
via takprosto.cc
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