Why do round the garden
Circular, the seats became almost the hallmark of permaculture design. As a rule, built the keyhole appear on sites, in different types of terrain, because of the universal benefits that they bring. Here are a few reasons why.
1. More Space
The circle is the shape that gives the greatest amount of space. This means that you can get more plants in your garden beds, making the garden more productive. Having a series of circular ridges also means that you reduce the amount of space in the garden used unproductive.
2. Planting a variety of
The maximum area where you can plant a large percentage of landscaping in your garden beds. You have more space to do planting varied. The circular design also lends itself perfectly to the development of perennial plants, which can serve as a security and if you want shade for the plants closer to the center, particularly for the newly planted. They can also serve for the creation of different microclimates depending on their type and position.
3. Open
Round shape with center point (in the form of a keyhole) allows the gardener to access the garden from one place. Standing in the center of the well, you can cover all the plants in your garden beds. This reduces the power consumption. Think about pushing a wheelbarrow with trays of seedlings – circular design is needed only for transportation of equipment to a single point. With all the beds in the garden areas, saving you time and effort on cleaning.
4.The best soil conditions
The circular design keyhole also means that You don't have to stand on the bed to reach any plant. This avoids soil compaction, which means that water and nutrients more available to plants and the plant roots themselves are able to move more easily through the soil to get access to items they need. Microorganisms and bacteria can also easily move, therefore, will more accurately capture nutrients for plant roots. It also means that there is no need to dig the soil to loosen it, which would destroy the soil structure and disturb the living organisms in it. You need to regularly add compost or vermicompost and constantly to mulch, these materials will perform the function of water retention and unhindered to store nutrients.
5. The efficiency of water
Circular design not only makes energy consumption more efficient gardener, it also works well for watering. With a round bed, you can just put a sprinkler in the centre and he will be able to reach all parts of the ground. Even for manual irrigation, the structure of the circle means that the water is more easily stored in the garden, and as easily available to plants. In the usual watering the garden more expendable.
6. Dome for birds
When creating a chicken tractor, many practitioners of permaculture choose a dome shape. There are good reasons for this. The dome structure is very durable and easy to move, even one person. It also, like round beds, gives the maximum area of the tractor, giving the hens more space to graze, to feed and give manure. If you are using a circular chicken tractor, makes sense to synthesize his garden and his tractor. Thus, the chickens will be in every corner of your garden, removing all the advantages.
7. Easy to combine
To rotate the crops round the beds is much easier than rectangular. You have the option not to go from one end to the other, then return to the starting point and start again. In round shape, you can just spins in a circle constantly. You don't have to remember where you started, because there is no linear progression route.
8. In harmony with nature
View on nature. You don't often see straight lines in nature. The meander of rivers, lakes come in all shapes and sizes, depending on the terrain. Nature is circular patterns. The roots of many plants also grow in different directions, in a circle around the main stem. The circle is also a function of nature on a large scale. Think about the water cycle, the evaporation of moisture from the oceans, it moves according to the above, precipitated and then flows in rivers back to the sea to begin the cycle again.
9. Infinity
A circle has no beginning and no end. It flows endlessly. There are no sharp corners or protruding ledges. It is complete and whole. The circular patterns add softness to the design of your garden. Circles flow into each other, giving a sense of unity and creates a sense that the system works in a cycle.
10. Peaceful place
You have a round bed with an access point in the center. What could be better to put in the center of the beach chair and umbrella to sit and enjoy the peaceful productivity of your garden? Surrounded by plants and trees, take time to sit in the garden and observe the play of sunlight and wind. Watch how the insects interact with plants. If permaculture garden will be where you want to spend time, it is great.
Garden incinerator garbage at the cottageAlovedone. The normal Light in the houseIn some cases round beds might not be suitable for a permaculture garden on a slope, for example, which may require terracing to maximize space and make it more efficient, but for most gardens and backyard plots, they certainly deserve attention.published
Source: vk.com/semenaorg?w=wall-55128765_858

1. More Space
The circle is the shape that gives the greatest amount of space. This means that you can get more plants in your garden beds, making the garden more productive. Having a series of circular ridges also means that you reduce the amount of space in the garden used unproductive.
2. Planting a variety of
The maximum area where you can plant a large percentage of landscaping in your garden beds. You have more space to do planting varied. The circular design also lends itself perfectly to the development of perennial plants, which can serve as a security and if you want shade for the plants closer to the center, particularly for the newly planted. They can also serve for the creation of different microclimates depending on their type and position.
3. Open
Round shape with center point (in the form of a keyhole) allows the gardener to access the garden from one place. Standing in the center of the well, you can cover all the plants in your garden beds. This reduces the power consumption. Think about pushing a wheelbarrow with trays of seedlings – circular design is needed only for transportation of equipment to a single point. With all the beds in the garden areas, saving you time and effort on cleaning.
4.The best soil conditions
The circular design keyhole also means that You don't have to stand on the bed to reach any plant. This avoids soil compaction, which means that water and nutrients more available to plants and the plant roots themselves are able to move more easily through the soil to get access to items they need. Microorganisms and bacteria can also easily move, therefore, will more accurately capture nutrients for plant roots. It also means that there is no need to dig the soil to loosen it, which would destroy the soil structure and disturb the living organisms in it. You need to regularly add compost or vermicompost and constantly to mulch, these materials will perform the function of water retention and unhindered to store nutrients.
5. The efficiency of water
Circular design not only makes energy consumption more efficient gardener, it also works well for watering. With a round bed, you can just put a sprinkler in the centre and he will be able to reach all parts of the ground. Even for manual irrigation, the structure of the circle means that the water is more easily stored in the garden, and as easily available to plants. In the usual watering the garden more expendable.
6. Dome for birds
When creating a chicken tractor, many practitioners of permaculture choose a dome shape. There are good reasons for this. The dome structure is very durable and easy to move, even one person. It also, like round beds, gives the maximum area of the tractor, giving the hens more space to graze, to feed and give manure. If you are using a circular chicken tractor, makes sense to synthesize his garden and his tractor. Thus, the chickens will be in every corner of your garden, removing all the advantages.

7. Easy to combine
To rotate the crops round the beds is much easier than rectangular. You have the option not to go from one end to the other, then return to the starting point and start again. In round shape, you can just spins in a circle constantly. You don't have to remember where you started, because there is no linear progression route.
8. In harmony with nature
View on nature. You don't often see straight lines in nature. The meander of rivers, lakes come in all shapes and sizes, depending on the terrain. Nature is circular patterns. The roots of many plants also grow in different directions, in a circle around the main stem. The circle is also a function of nature on a large scale. Think about the water cycle, the evaporation of moisture from the oceans, it moves according to the above, precipitated and then flows in rivers back to the sea to begin the cycle again.
9. Infinity
A circle has no beginning and no end. It flows endlessly. There are no sharp corners or protruding ledges. It is complete and whole. The circular patterns add softness to the design of your garden. Circles flow into each other, giving a sense of unity and creates a sense that the system works in a cycle.

10. Peaceful place
You have a round bed with an access point in the center. What could be better to put in the center of the beach chair and umbrella to sit and enjoy the peaceful productivity of your garden? Surrounded by plants and trees, take time to sit in the garden and observe the play of sunlight and wind. Watch how the insects interact with plants. If permaculture garden will be where you want to spend time, it is great.
Garden incinerator garbage at the cottageAlovedone. The normal Light in the houseIn some cases round beds might not be suitable for a permaculture garden on a slope, for example, which may require terracing to maximize space and make it more efficient, but for most gardens and backyard plots, they certainly deserve attention.published
Source: vk.com/semenaorg?w=wall-55128765_858
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