"You can save the world with just one coin" - says the WWF.
The agency Jung von Matt / Donau has developed a new series of prints for the foundation World Wildlife Fund (WWF), which has shown us how the Fund manages our money.
Another series of prints for Wildlife Fund WWF. The main appeal is very simple, you can even say "call on the forehead" - "Save the world a few coins. Make a donation online www.wwf.at ». But the schedule is to be commended, because it is very unobtrusive, simple and very clearly shows us the process of salvation. And it somewhere among these coins can be yours!
via # image5297805
Another series of prints for Wildlife Fund WWF. The main appeal is very simple, you can even say "call on the forehead" - "Save the world a few coins. Make a donation online www.wwf.at ». But the schedule is to be commended, because it is very unobtrusive, simple and very clearly shows us the process of salvation. And it somewhere among these coins can be yours!

via # image5297805
The curves of the mirror as an advertising medium in advertising blockbuster.
The Berlin zoo animals have no chance to go unnoticed.