Andrew Bilzho created a creative advertising campaign for Google in RuNet
Google launched a major advertising campaign of its services in RuNet. This is the second major campaign in recent months. See the description of the first series.
Figures for the banners did Andrew Bilzho, TV "mozgoved" creator popularly beloved Petrovich. Recall that recently Bilzho also participated in the campaign the Russian Emergencies Ministry.
Banners animated, and each picture is completed graceful invitation -
Selection of advertising sites quite careful in Google is not a trifle, but should pay attention to the subject of advertising, what is advertised.
You can see it on the following websites:
Figures for the banners did Andrew Bilzho, TV "mozgoved" creator popularly beloved Petrovich. Recall that recently Bilzho also participated in the campaign the Russian Emergencies Ministry.

Banners animated, and each picture is completed graceful invitation -

Selection of advertising sites quite careful in Google is not a trifle, but should pay attention to the subject of advertising, what is advertised.
You can see it on the following websites:
- love.ru/ - love ... love ...
- newsland.ru/ - news portal;
- ifolder.ru/ - free hosting;
- www.liveinternet.ru/ - major blog hoster Runet
- ljplus.ru/ - who does not know LJ ...
- www.moskva.com/ - Moscow City Portal
- www.irr.ru/ - the biggest free classified ads portal;
- hh.ru/ - Headhunters, the largest resource of "bounty hunters»;
- job.ru/ - the biggest resource to find work; a href="http://www.rabota.ru/"> www.rabota.ru/ - another great resource for finding a job: 0);
In connection with this step, Google reminded the statement Director General Mail.ru Dmitry Grishin at the second conference "Internet and Business", that «Google will not buy a kill. First of all, Yandex » i>. Judging from the direction of the main attack described the campaign, the national postal service Mail.ru fit to think about expanding the list of candidates for the future killing by Google.
But Google is primarily a search, rather than e-mail. Therefore, the appearance of Moskva.kom service site search, where Google logo is presented in the form of search, advertising, Google AdWords and the Tools button to create a personal search engine Google Co-op - again a step "on the verge". It's hard to even tell who is who pays - "Moscow" for the engine to Google Site Search or Google "Moscow" for advertising your search and the ability to make money from search advertising. And what would happen if a similar model "site search" will work at major venues Runet ...
Materials: Newsletter Ashmanova
via subscribe.ru/archive/inet.search.seo/200707/03150717.html/
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