Esquire magazine and "Beeline" launched a joint campaign "Mobile Etiquette"
As described in the Site Esquire, this is the first experience of this sort at the magazine in Russia. The idea and implementation of the joint campaign & quot; Beeline & quot; owned by Esquire.
"The idea was born from our editorial board, headed by Philip glav.redaktorom Bakhtin and our former art director Dmitry Barbanel and current - Maxim Nikanorov - make a movie specifically for cinema - a kind of a funny story with unobtrusive branding style Esquire. The idea - a mobile politeness - directly echoes the Beeline, so we made a joint project, "- says Natalia Nesterova marketing manager for the magazine Esquire.
Artist Krasnov project was Maria-Shabaeva that continually draws for Esquire, wrote the music composer Paul Hawtin, known for his work with Peter Mamonov.
The advertising campaign is a: 29.06 by 8.07 in the Formula Kino cinema chain, and at 29.06 till 15.07 in the cinema network Karo Film. It is also planned to broadcast the movie during the festival of British cinema.
via www.adme.ru
"The idea was born from our editorial board, headed by Philip glav.redaktorom Bakhtin and our former art director Dmitry Barbanel and current - Maxim Nikanorov - make a movie specifically for cinema - a kind of a funny story with unobtrusive branding style Esquire. The idea - a mobile politeness - directly echoes the Beeline, so we made a joint project, "- says Natalia Nesterova marketing manager for the magazine Esquire.
Artist Krasnov project was Maria-Shabaeva that continually draws for Esquire, wrote the music composer Paul Hawtin, known for his work with Peter Mamonov.
The advertising campaign is a: 29.06 by 8.07 in the Formula Kino cinema chain, and at 29.06 till 15.07 in the cinema network Karo Film. It is also planned to broadcast the movie during the festival of British cinema.
via www.adme.ru
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