Grey Moscow: Most people eat "Rollton", but hides it. Polygraph will not deceive
Grey Moscow: sales data, research and monitoring of family, friends and colleagues are talking about one and the same: the overwhelming majority of people eat Rollton and eats with gusto. Either permanently or occasionally. At the same time, surprisingly, not all admit it.
Agency Grey Moscow, for the first time to develop advertising for the brand, decided that hiding their preferences, people change themselves and their taste. The reasons may be different (the bringing of collective identity as a sacrifice glamorous standards, fear not get into the fashion trend, all-Russian game show-off).
New video clearly demonstrates that Rollton - is a product that people really like, even if they are not always ready to admit it to others. Rollton - not just convenient, Rollton - it is delicious. And do not deny that love.
How to tell the agency website, the movie "Polygraph" was aired on national television first, Russia, CTC, Home, DTV, NTV, TNT, REN TV, TV3. Mediarazmeschenie implemented agency Mediaedge: cia.
Creative Group:
Client: TD "Rollton»
Brand: Rollton
Brand manager Eugene Zorin
Project Manager: Maryana Pavkina
Agency: Grey Moscow
Creative Director: Oleg Lapshin
The head of the creative team: Sergey Nashchekin
Strategic Planning Director: Alexei Gorshkov
Team Leader Customer Timur Makarov
Specialist Customer: Tamara Afonina
Production: Profilm
Producer: Andrew Truk
Director: Konstantin Charmadov
Operator: Igor Kozhevnikov
via www.adme.ru
Agency Grey Moscow, for the first time to develop advertising for the brand, decided that hiding their preferences, people change themselves and their taste. The reasons may be different (the bringing of collective identity as a sacrifice glamorous standards, fear not get into the fashion trend, all-Russian game show-off).
New video clearly demonstrates that Rollton - is a product that people really like, even if they are not always ready to admit it to others. Rollton - not just convenient, Rollton - it is delicious. And do not deny that love.
How to tell the agency website, the movie "Polygraph" was aired on national television first, Russia, CTC, Home, DTV, NTV, TNT, REN TV, TV3. Mediarazmeschenie implemented agency Mediaedge: cia.

Creative Group:
Client: TD "Rollton»
Brand: Rollton
Brand manager Eugene Zorin
Project Manager: Maryana Pavkina
Agency: Grey Moscow
Creative Director: Oleg Lapshin
The head of the creative team: Sergey Nashchekin
Strategic Planning Director: Alexei Gorshkov
Team Leader Customer Timur Makarov
Specialist Customer: Tamara Afonina
Production: Profilm
Producer: Andrew Truk
Director: Konstantin Charmadov
Operator: Igor Kozhevnikov
via www.adme.ru
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