Beeline very ofigel.
This service is called 0711, it paid information service. For 29 rubles including VAT you can instantly call up the service desk Beeline. You heard right! For one dollar operator offers without waiting to solve all their issues in customer service. For example, Beeline wrongly written off the money and you need to resolve this issue? It is easy - no need to wait half an hour on the line when the operator is free, pay the money and discuss your problem.
I think this approach is very cynical - subscribers are already paying money to the operator, and the support of customers is part of the service. Failure to provide reasonable time to dial the operator due to the fact that Beeline saves on service support. None operator in Russia there is no waiting time answer the call, it is often more than 30-40 minutes. During this time, you can just spit on the question - more time. Apparently, that in the Beeline and achieve.
In terms of the image of this step Beeline quite fits in the strategy of pettiness, the operator collects pennies from their subscribers for every sneeze. Moreover, deliberately goes out not to create services for subscribers, and to collect from them money. Every time I think that the limit has already passed and can not fall even lower in coming up with a way to disprove Beeline my judgment.
It is clear that money does not smell, but sometimes it is necessary to stop and think about the future of the company depends not only on how much she earns now, but also on how it relates to their users. Another thing that puzzles me - in Beeline adequate working people, many of them - my friends. You ask how this is possible, and in response to a dull rumbling, it's someone did without thinking. Perhaps we should start to manage the company so that the decisions that affect the image of the operator, not taken from kondachka and discussed with all departments and evaluated all the risks associated with them?
The cynicism really rolls. Not only is the quality of communication - nowhere below, and now they are completely ass rotate with customers.
I dream of the day when the consumer finally begin to vote rubles for those who provide quality service.
I think this approach is very cynical - subscribers are already paying money to the operator, and the support of customers is part of the service. Failure to provide reasonable time to dial the operator due to the fact that Beeline saves on service support. None operator in Russia there is no waiting time answer the call, it is often more than 30-40 minutes. During this time, you can just spit on the question - more time. Apparently, that in the Beeline and achieve.
In terms of the image of this step Beeline quite fits in the strategy of pettiness, the operator collects pennies from their subscribers for every sneeze. Moreover, deliberately goes out not to create services for subscribers, and to collect from them money. Every time I think that the limit has already passed and can not fall even lower in coming up with a way to disprove Beeline my judgment.
It is clear that money does not smell, but sometimes it is necessary to stop and think about the future of the company depends not only on how much she earns now, but also on how it relates to their users. Another thing that puzzles me - in Beeline adequate working people, many of them - my friends. You ask how this is possible, and in response to a dull rumbling, it's someone did without thinking. Perhaps we should start to manage the company so that the decisions that affect the image of the operator, not taken from kondachka and discussed with all departments and evaluated all the risks associated with them?
The cynicism really rolls. Not only is the quality of communication - nowhere below, and now they are completely ass rotate with customers.
I dream of the day when the consumer finally begin to vote rubles for those who provide quality service.
