SMS-orchestra "Beeline" is promoting the new service operator
On October 22 channels ORT, NTV, RTR and Sports launched a TV campaign for the product "Corporate SMS-e-mail" from "Beeline" .Kreativnaya idea suggested by Lowe Adventa, based on a comparison of business management and administration a big orchestra. Whoever you are - director or conductor of the orchestra, for the coordinated team play important coordination.
With the service 'Corporate SMS-Mail "you can send SMS-messages directly from your computer, and the recipients can be either a group of employees, and the individual. An employee who receives the message can answer it via SMS or call, with the message or the sender will be notified in the form of letters to the usual e-mail or SMS to the phone.
Unlike the existing analogues in the market, this service allows companies in a familiar and easy to use format e-mail alert colleagues in seconds, without the use of additional online resources. In Russia, according to research, the average SMS-exchange is used in more than one third of organizations. In his work as an SMS-message communication channel is used about 37% of the employees.
The TV spot features work with the service are shown through the prism of the head of the orchestra musicians.
via adme.ru

With the service 'Corporate SMS-Mail "you can send SMS-messages directly from your computer, and the recipients can be either a group of employees, and the individual. An employee who receives the message can answer it via SMS or call, with the message or the sender will be notified in the form of letters to the usual e-mail or SMS to the phone.
Unlike the existing analogues in the market, this service allows companies in a familiar and easy to use format e-mail alert colleagues in seconds, without the use of additional online resources. In Russia, according to research, the average SMS-exchange is used in more than one third of organizations. In his work as an SMS-message communication channel is used about 37% of the employees.
The TV spot features work with the service are shown through the prism of the head of the orchestra musicians.
via adme.ru
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