Mobile theft
Cellular companies are stealing money?
This is indicated by almost all, but check out what we have to blame ourselves.
Until recently, I thought as well, is by example discovered that the cellular companies do work in collusion with mobile thieves and get their share of the profits.
The other day received from the Beeline VMS that the account has less than 60 rubles. Order prints. Incidentally, the details on the Beeline you can only get for the money - 1 ruble per day. Anyway. After 2 minutes get. Bah, every day for the last week removed from the account for 44 rubles a trifle, a graph is called "Mobile commerce". I called customer service Beeline, please understand:
- You sent SMS?
- No.
- On the paid services called?
- No.
- Telephone others passed?
- No.
- Here's a phone company's "Moby-money." Call them. On the second phone you can unsubscribe from the subscription automatically.
- I is not made no submissions and did not have any relationship with "Moby-money»!
- I can not help. Deal with them or contact law enforcement.
Normal approach! Money from the account removes the "Beeline", but "to do with it does not have." Moreover, the company provides its resources to fraudsters for such action is clearly not free, but for its commercial interest. No self-respecting company after the first complaint would have terminated the contract with the scammers and the money returned to the client. And here - just the opposite. Draw conclusions.
We call names and scams. In particular, these file sharing sites - vip-file.com and the like. Who has not downloaded the files? Seen tempting offers to provide test access for a day to try out the service? The scheme is the following: You agree to the terms of the provision of free testing services, enter your mobile number and receive SMS with a code. Enter this code on the site - and download files during a day at maximum speed.
Freebies? No - free cheese from a mousetrap. Twenty-four hours later, with your cell phone bills will shoot a very decent money. It turns out that the scammer provided for in the contract of a fad, in which you automatically subscribe to a paid service if you do not call and do not give up on her.
You are lucky if you are on prepaid tariffs and money in the account slightly. If the cash on its balance sheet a lot, you will not notice how quickly they will dissolve. Worst of all, if you - subscribers of postpaid system. Received at the end of the month by a few thousand, you will find yourself faced with a choice - to give up his room or splurge on payments. The second option is acceptable, if your room for you is very important.
Dobavleno1 in [mergetime] 1277017084 [/ mergetime]
And now vote the following scheme: a crook himself scored in its database any number of mobile phones and gives them free access to the day. Having been informed by SMS, 99% of users will consider it advertisement and do not pay attention. A day later, with their account money will begin to fade. Sign up for a day 1000 people - income 44 000 rubles per day guaranteed! Of course, the "Beeline" is not a loser - a percentage of transactions it has.
It becomes clear now why the "Beeline" recent years aggressively advertises it postpaid payment system, offering to have passed to her considerable discounts. A couple of years ago Beeline announced that subscribers in the Moscow region to the prepaid system will be automatically transferred to the postpaid, but the intervention of the competent authorities forced them to abandon the idea. It seems that the guys have found a new way of dressing.
Source nnm.ru
This is indicated by almost all, but check out what we have to blame ourselves.
Until recently, I thought as well, is by example discovered that the cellular companies do work in collusion with mobile thieves and get their share of the profits.

The other day received from the Beeline VMS that the account has less than 60 rubles. Order prints. Incidentally, the details on the Beeline you can only get for the money - 1 ruble per day. Anyway. After 2 minutes get. Bah, every day for the last week removed from the account for 44 rubles a trifle, a graph is called "Mobile commerce". I called customer service Beeline, please understand:
- You sent SMS?
- No.
- On the paid services called?
- No.
- Telephone others passed?
- No.
- Here's a phone company's "Moby-money." Call them. On the second phone you can unsubscribe from the subscription automatically.
- I is not made no submissions and did not have any relationship with "Moby-money»!
- I can not help. Deal with them or contact law enforcement.
Normal approach! Money from the account removes the "Beeline", but "to do with it does not have." Moreover, the company provides its resources to fraudsters for such action is clearly not free, but for its commercial interest. No self-respecting company after the first complaint would have terminated the contract with the scammers and the money returned to the client. And here - just the opposite. Draw conclusions.
We call names and scams. In particular, these file sharing sites - vip-file.com and the like. Who has not downloaded the files? Seen tempting offers to provide test access for a day to try out the service? The scheme is the following: You agree to the terms of the provision of free testing services, enter your mobile number and receive SMS with a code. Enter this code on the site - and download files during a day at maximum speed.
Freebies? No - free cheese from a mousetrap. Twenty-four hours later, with your cell phone bills will shoot a very decent money. It turns out that the scammer provided for in the contract of a fad, in which you automatically subscribe to a paid service if you do not call and do not give up on her.
You are lucky if you are on prepaid tariffs and money in the account slightly. If the cash on its balance sheet a lot, you will not notice how quickly they will dissolve. Worst of all, if you - subscribers of postpaid system. Received at the end of the month by a few thousand, you will find yourself faced with a choice - to give up his room or splurge on payments. The second option is acceptable, if your room for you is very important.
Dobavleno1 in [mergetime] 1277017084 [/ mergetime]
And now vote the following scheme: a crook himself scored in its database any number of mobile phones and gives them free access to the day. Having been informed by SMS, 99% of users will consider it advertisement and do not pay attention. A day later, with their account money will begin to fade. Sign up for a day 1000 people - income 44 000 rubles per day guaranteed! Of course, the "Beeline" is not a loser - a percentage of transactions it has.
It becomes clear now why the "Beeline" recent years aggressively advertises it postpaid payment system, offering to have passed to her considerable discounts. A couple of years ago Beeline announced that subscribers in the Moscow region to the prepaid system will be automatically transferred to the postpaid, but the intervention of the competent authorities forced them to abandon the idea. It seems that the guys have found a new way of dressing.
Source nnm.ru