About pickpockets (33 photos + text)
In Victorian England pickpocketing was punishable by death. It was assumed that public hangings prevent the entry of "promising young men" as a member of a criminal association. However, Scotland Yard had to abandon this idea, when viewers of these "performances" were complaining about the disappearance of hours and wallets ...
Rome, Paris, London, New York and many other tourist destinations are both places localization professional pickpockets. However, despite the fact that the big city - the real "favorites" pickpockets, the latter can work anywhere, from Anchorage to Ankara, provided that there is a crowd in which they can choose a victim ...
For a long time it was thought, though Tokyo is safe for tourists. But those who brags integrity of its inhabitants forget about six million dollars annually falls into the hands of pickpockets ...
And that in Russia? According to statistics, the victim of a pickpocket at least once in his life became one in four major Russian cities ... They are always there: in the transport market, in store and even in the theater ...
Pickpockets, or as they are called detectives, "vtykovuyu Suit", conventionally divided into several groups according to the method and place of the theft. The first group - "shirmachi" or "marafetchiki" ... "Marafet" - a bouquet of flowers, coat, jacket, bag in hand, a thief, which are used as a screen in the commission of theft ...
The second group - "Shakers." He pressed against the victim and sharp kicks and precision of the inner pockets wallet, mobile phone and so on ... The most favorite method of treating a victim - "Oh, sorry, oboznalsya!» ...
The third group - "washers" or "hacks". They are the ones who cut you our pockets and bags. There are, for example, among the "hacks" so-called "surgeons" - working with a scalpel and forceps small ...
And there are those who are razor cuts ("sink" - a half a razor blade, as a rule, the brand "Neva" or "Companion") or sharpened coin. Less often used ring with a sharp edge. By the way, the thieves in this category can be divided further by the method of cut at a certain corporate identity. Bags cut angle, letter (crosswise) or to the side and bottom ...
Fourth - "Shchipachev." From the point of view of police officers - the most skilled thieves. Usually work in groups, using only manual dexterity. Some distract the victim - other devastate her pockets ... This is called "clash» ...
Or a way of "polite person" ... The fact is that in order to succeed in business, you need to solve two problems: to distract attention "victim" of the wallet and make a little disconcerting actions that ultimately will bring the victim out of balance ...
Here's a girl "drops" products ...
Here are the victim begins to help raise their ...
And now goes to work mate ...
Number of methods of distraction "victim" as great as the number of people practicing them. For example, women "schipachki" usually knock "victim" confused, demolition using sex appeal. There is nothing extraordinary in the fact that a female pickpocket can rub against your magnificent breasts and delicious ass. At this point you usually find yourself so impressed that free you from the property there is no difficulty ...
But the most popular "craft" - stealing from his pocket ...
From jackets, jackets and trousers with previlikim pleasure "taken out" wallets, money, phones, documents ...
Especially effective are doing it on the market, transport, public places, shops and banks ...
How is it going? And here's how ... First of all, you need to figure out where the wallet is. Most people tend to keep their money in the right pocket. He usually sticks out from the back or side pocket and can be easily seen. The next step in this case - to determine how is the wallet. Position wallet usually dictates what methods of extraction should be applied. The most typical way to steal a wallet - so-called "intercept two fingers." Standing next to the "victim", pickpocket puts his index and middle fingers of the letter V enters them in his pocket. Thieves explain this as follows: "Your fingers at the same time as it is in your pocket and out of it. This is enough to remove the wallet by not enough that the owner felt something alien »...
During the collision and distraction "victim" vop intercepts wallet and pulls it out. This is not self-consciously and carefully, as quickly and powerfully. A variation of this door method is dragging the wallet to the top of the pocket to retrieve it later ...
Another favorite trick pickpocket - give a "victim" kick just below the wallet, thus moving it up to the tip leaned out of his pocket. Then the thief grabs the tip of the wallet and the strong holds, until the victim quietly away from his own money. Wallet smoothly slips out of his pocket, and people do not notice it ... Of course, this is done in a stampede in a crowd or in a situation where the attention of the "victim" something distracted ...
Another method of theft from his back pocket - "cutting." Many pickpocketers incision so that the wallet simply drops out, however, there are more effective methods ...
Using a pair of small pliers, cut the top of a tight pocket, and then, using a razor, cut it in half from top to bottom. If the wallet then falls, it will be possible to get without experiencing the slightest difficulty. Clippers needed in cases where the wallet is at the front and chain attached to the trouser belt - is particularly popular among drivers. Cut is necessary and when faced with a pocket, buttoned or click on putnitsu ...
All the beauty of the method lies in the fact that while, as a thief cuts the pocket razor is based on the wallet, so that the "victim" does not experience any unusual sensations ...
"Cutting" is also quite common practice to gain access to the side pockets. While the attention of the "victim" passionate about something interesting, at the bottom of the pocket cut a neat hole in the shape of a crescent. All contents again falls to the ground ...
Another method of theft from a side pocket - "pull-up". Thumb and index finger poke into his pocket and pulled up a few times folds lining to itself, resulting in a long pocket turned inside out, and its contents are open to you, as in the window. It is clear that such a "wrenching" - not the fastest way as before will turn the pocket inside out, you need to collect a lot of little wrinkles, but in general ease the whole procedure takes less than a minute ...
The main secret in the commission of theft from an inner pocket is to send a "victim" on the wrong track. Since such an action is a "frontal attack" to distract "victim", forcing her to turn her head so that even peripheral vision could not detect activity pickpocket ... You see, while a pickpocket distracts attention, his right hand to get the money ...
Pickpocket householder can wake up some powder on his shoulder "victim" (the side opposite the wallet) and tell her about it. While pickpocket cleans you, his hand hides all made their manipulation. In addition, "Shchipachev" may, pretending drunk, gently put her head on his shoulder "victim" (this is called "dog kiss"), and then hide his body produced by manipulation ... So ...
Well, godsend at pickpockets considered unbuttoned bag ...
And these open bags comes their eyes abound ... Aerobatics: get a purse, take money from him, put an empty wallet back in the bag, close the bag ...
The most privileged caste pickpockets - "marvihery." They, like "Shchipachev" work only with hands, but at the same time extremely interested in the wallets of wealthy people. Often the victims are foreigners. Work "marvihery" prefer theaters, restaurants, presentations, social events and do not disdain even funerals. They are closely watching the theatrical posters, gossip columns in the press, often go into the highest circles of society ... The legendary Peter Ruchechnik from the television series "The Meeting Place Can not Be Changed" - it's just it ...
And on the cult TV series ... It is believed that the basis of the image Brick Vainer brothers have taken the life of a pickpocket Alexander Prokofiev ...
73-year-old Moscow pickpocket named Shorin died of cancer. First time Shorin stole a purse, when he was 10 years old: slyamzili money from traders greens. Total for the theft, he was tried eight times. During his lifetime, Prokofiev worked honestly do not even days. A total ease in prison professional spent about 25 years. Once he was cleared thieves rank high for what he lost at cards and not paid his debt. But after Prokofiev restore its credibility. Last time employees MUR caught him in 1994. Then 65-year old man has boldly stole three stations in the area ...
Catch pickpocket incredibly easy. Sensing danger, he "takes off" purse on the floor, and then to prove his guilt in court impossible. Detain the offender is only necessary with a purse in his hand. And do it can only same virtuosos. And there are detectives. Thieves call them for the eyes "Tihar" or "office". On the account of each of them, as a rule, several hundred detainees ... pickpockets.

Rome, Paris, London, New York and many other tourist destinations are both places localization professional pickpockets. However, despite the fact that the big city - the real "favorites" pickpockets, the latter can work anywhere, from Anchorage to Ankara, provided that there is a crowd in which they can choose a victim ...

For a long time it was thought, though Tokyo is safe for tourists. But those who brags integrity of its inhabitants forget about six million dollars annually falls into the hands of pickpockets ...

And that in Russia? According to statistics, the victim of a pickpocket at least once in his life became one in four major Russian cities ... They are always there: in the transport market, in store and even in the theater ...

Pickpockets, or as they are called detectives, "vtykovuyu Suit", conventionally divided into several groups according to the method and place of the theft. The first group - "shirmachi" or "marafetchiki" ... "Marafet" - a bouquet of flowers, coat, jacket, bag in hand, a thief, which are used as a screen in the commission of theft ...

The second group - "Shakers." He pressed against the victim and sharp kicks and precision of the inner pockets wallet, mobile phone and so on ... The most favorite method of treating a victim - "Oh, sorry, oboznalsya!» ...

The third group - "washers" or "hacks". They are the ones who cut you our pockets and bags. There are, for example, among the "hacks" so-called "surgeons" - working with a scalpel and forceps small ...

And there are those who are razor cuts ("sink" - a half a razor blade, as a rule, the brand "Neva" or "Companion") or sharpened coin. Less often used ring with a sharp edge. By the way, the thieves in this category can be divided further by the method of cut at a certain corporate identity. Bags cut angle, letter (crosswise) or to the side and bottom ...

Fourth - "Shchipachev." From the point of view of police officers - the most skilled thieves. Usually work in groups, using only manual dexterity. Some distract the victim - other devastate her pockets ... This is called "clash» ...

Or a way of "polite person" ... The fact is that in order to succeed in business, you need to solve two problems: to distract attention "victim" of the wallet and make a little disconcerting actions that ultimately will bring the victim out of balance ...

Here's a girl "drops" products ...

Here are the victim begins to help raise their ...

And now goes to work mate ...

Number of methods of distraction "victim" as great as the number of people practicing them. For example, women "schipachki" usually knock "victim" confused, demolition using sex appeal. There is nothing extraordinary in the fact that a female pickpocket can rub against your magnificent breasts and delicious ass. At this point you usually find yourself so impressed that free you from the property there is no difficulty ...

But the most popular "craft" - stealing from his pocket ...

From jackets, jackets and trousers with previlikim pleasure "taken out" wallets, money, phones, documents ...

Especially effective are doing it on the market, transport, public places, shops and banks ...

How is it going? And here's how ... First of all, you need to figure out where the wallet is. Most people tend to keep their money in the right pocket. He usually sticks out from the back or side pocket and can be easily seen. The next step in this case - to determine how is the wallet. Position wallet usually dictates what methods of extraction should be applied. The most typical way to steal a wallet - so-called "intercept two fingers." Standing next to the "victim", pickpocket puts his index and middle fingers of the letter V enters them in his pocket. Thieves explain this as follows: "Your fingers at the same time as it is in your pocket and out of it. This is enough to remove the wallet by not enough that the owner felt something alien »...

During the collision and distraction "victim" vop intercepts wallet and pulls it out. This is not self-consciously and carefully, as quickly and powerfully. A variation of this door method is dragging the wallet to the top of the pocket to retrieve it later ...

Another favorite trick pickpocket - give a "victim" kick just below the wallet, thus moving it up to the tip leaned out of his pocket. Then the thief grabs the tip of the wallet and the strong holds, until the victim quietly away from his own money. Wallet smoothly slips out of his pocket, and people do not notice it ... Of course, this is done in a stampede in a crowd or in a situation where the attention of the "victim" something distracted ...

Another method of theft from his back pocket - "cutting." Many pickpocketers incision so that the wallet simply drops out, however, there are more effective methods ...

Using a pair of small pliers, cut the top of a tight pocket, and then, using a razor, cut it in half from top to bottom. If the wallet then falls, it will be possible to get without experiencing the slightest difficulty. Clippers needed in cases where the wallet is at the front and chain attached to the trouser belt - is particularly popular among drivers. Cut is necessary and when faced with a pocket, buttoned or click on putnitsu ...

All the beauty of the method lies in the fact that while, as a thief cuts the pocket razor is based on the wallet, so that the "victim" does not experience any unusual sensations ...

"Cutting" is also quite common practice to gain access to the side pockets. While the attention of the "victim" passionate about something interesting, at the bottom of the pocket cut a neat hole in the shape of a crescent. All contents again falls to the ground ...

Another method of theft from a side pocket - "pull-up". Thumb and index finger poke into his pocket and pulled up a few times folds lining to itself, resulting in a long pocket turned inside out, and its contents are open to you, as in the window. It is clear that such a "wrenching" - not the fastest way as before will turn the pocket inside out, you need to collect a lot of little wrinkles, but in general ease the whole procedure takes less than a minute ...

The main secret in the commission of theft from an inner pocket is to send a "victim" on the wrong track. Since such an action is a "frontal attack" to distract "victim", forcing her to turn her head so that even peripheral vision could not detect activity pickpocket ... You see, while a pickpocket distracts attention, his right hand to get the money ...

Pickpocket householder can wake up some powder on his shoulder "victim" (the side opposite the wallet) and tell her about it. While pickpocket cleans you, his hand hides all made their manipulation. In addition, "Shchipachev" may, pretending drunk, gently put her head on his shoulder "victim" (this is called "dog kiss"), and then hide his body produced by manipulation ... So ...

Well, godsend at pickpockets considered unbuttoned bag ...

And these open bags comes their eyes abound ... Aerobatics: get a purse, take money from him, put an empty wallet back in the bag, close the bag ...

The most privileged caste pickpockets - "marvihery." They, like "Shchipachev" work only with hands, but at the same time extremely interested in the wallets of wealthy people. Often the victims are foreigners. Work "marvihery" prefer theaters, restaurants, presentations, social events and do not disdain even funerals. They are closely watching the theatrical posters, gossip columns in the press, often go into the highest circles of society ... The legendary Peter Ruchechnik from the television series "The Meeting Place Can not Be Changed" - it's just it ...

And on the cult TV series ... It is believed that the basis of the image Brick Vainer brothers have taken the life of a pickpocket Alexander Prokofiev ...

73-year-old Moscow pickpocket named Shorin died of cancer. First time Shorin stole a purse, when he was 10 years old: slyamzili money from traders greens. Total for the theft, he was tried eight times. During his lifetime, Prokofiev worked honestly do not even days. A total ease in prison professional spent about 25 years. Once he was cleared thieves rank high for what he lost at cards and not paid his debt. But after Prokofiev restore its credibility. Last time employees MUR caught him in 1994. Then 65-year old man has boldly stole three stations in the area ...

Catch pickpocket incredibly easy. Sensing danger, he "takes off" purse on the floor, and then to prove his guilt in court impossible. Detain the offender is only necessary with a purse in his hand. And do it can only same virtuosos. And there are detectives. Thieves call them for the eyes "Tihar" or "office". On the account of each of them, as a rule, several hundred detainees ... pickpockets.