Overview of bands from different countries
In the first part of this series presents an overview of the bands from different countries, which suggest movement in ancient mammoth like crap years.
The Mohocks
The Mohocks were a gang that terrorized London in the early eighteenth century, attacking indiscriminately both men and women. Taking its name from the name of an Indian tribe, they attacked men and women, raping and mutilating first second. The issue came to government in 1712, measures were not long in coming - a reward of £ 100 has been assigned to the royal court of their capture. The leader of the gang was known as the «Emperor of the Mohocks», he had a special sign - a huge tattoo on his forehead.
This gang has also been known as the [next] «young butchers', later the name was reduced to" butchers ».
According vospominaniyai Lady Wentworth: "They put the old woman in a big barrel and rolled it down a hill; They cut people noses, hands, they do it without warning and causes - they do not need a reason. At the same time, they call themselves the young gentlemen - they have never taken money from their victims. "(Newspaper Wentworth, 277)
Mohocks were the worst and the last of the teams of street thugs who terrorized London after the Restoration. Also they were hearing the Muns, the Hectors, the Scourers, the Nickers, and the Hawkubites.
Hawkubites were a gang that terrorized London from 1711 to 1714 during the reign of Queen Anne. Hawkubites beaten women, children and the elderly watchmen in the streets after dark. They were preceded by a terrible Mohocks. Before our time came the famous verse from the Chambers Book of Days, where they are referred to as bloody monsters and offspring of the devil:
From Mohock and from Hawkubite,
Good Lord, deliver me!
Who wander through the streets at night,
Committing cruelty.
They slash our sons with bloody knives,
And on our daughters fall;
And if they murder not our wives,
We have good luck withal
Coaches and chairs they overturn,
Nay, carts most easily;
Therefore from Gog and Magog,
Good Lord, deliver me!
The Gas House Gang
The Gas House Gang were a New York street gang in the late nineteenth century.
Founded in the 1890s, The Gas House Gang based near Gas House in Manhattan on East 35th Street, driving area along Third Avenue from 11th to 18th streets. Specializing in armed robberies, The Gas House Gang, according to various estimates, rehearsed for 30 - 40 robberies per night, so they extorted money from local residents and kept brothels. The gang continued to control the area for more than two decades until it was eventually absorbed by a gang of Five Points Gang in 1910.
The 19th Street Gang
The 19th Street Gang - Irish street gang from New York during the 1870s, they were known as especially brutal antiprotestantskaya team.
The 19th Street Gang consisted mainly of young pickpockets, burglars and thieves led by a young man known as Little Mike. Working in an area with 19th Street at 34th Street, known as the "Alley of poverty", grouping mainly robbed defenseless victims such as the elderly, women and children; However, they said, did not touch the local Catholics, often asking the victim told his name given at baptism, told psalms about their local church and asked other questions to help you understand - Catholic or Protestant in front of them?
By the end of the 1880s the team was gone completely.
The Dutch Mob
The Dutch Mob was a New York gang of pickpockets in the days of the late nineteenth century.
Created during the late 1860s Little Freddy, "brilliant" Mike Kurtz and John Irvin, former gang members Italian Dave Gang, The Dutch Mob soon became one of the biggest gang of pickpockets in the United States, which has composed about 300 participants. They worked mainly in the neighborhood of Manhattan to the east of the Bowery, the area was known as the "paradise of pickpockets," the local press. A common tactic was that while some guys tied street fight, others practiced gaze up at her people. In another variation, several members of the mob attacked the victim, who "saved" the other members of the gang, posing as innocent bystanders, obchischaya pockets in the process.
However, when Anthony J.. Aller was appointed head of the election campaign in 1877, "visiting police team" was sent to clean the area, attacking anyone suspected or looked like a pickpocket or other criminals, and to the end of the year in fact remains very few members gang.
The same area was the home of another group of young pickpockets, the Crazy Butch Gang, in the 1890s.
The Live Oak Boys
The Live Oak Boys - New Orleans Irish street gang led by "red" by Bill Wilson, the Live Oak Boys were formed in 1858. Named for hewn oak truncheons, who were their favorite weapon, the group was less organized than similar ones Five Points. Participants rats themselves money and goods which they managed to steal together. This often led to mezhduusobits were frequently stealing from each other and, at times, they were killing each other.
Also guys make money from local businessmen for services that included assault, arson and other acts of vandalism against competitors, especially suffered densingi.
A team continued to dominate in New Orleans more than a decade. However, many members of the group were eventually killed or jailed during the 1870s, and by 1880 the team has declined significantly, parallel to them opened the hunt grown and getting up on their feet the town youth groups. Soon, The Live Oak Boys disappeared.
The Hounds
The Hounds were a gang of natives of San Francisco, to promote the idea of '' antiinostrantsev '' against immigrants, especially Hispanics, during the California Gold Rush in 1849.
Officially called the public regulator in San Francisco, the gang, mostly gathered in the structure of thugs, local Bandos and the Mexican-American War Veterans, and later became known as The Hounds. Manage local political party «Know Nothing», the grouping used patriotism after the Mexican-American War, to discourage foreigners from the newly discovered gold mines. The Hounds have been a serious public support, despite their brutal tactics they regularly attacked the Mexican and Chilean immigrants in Point Clark and milked hard-Latinos, who have managed to gain a foothold in the area.
Unfortunately, in addition to the duty raids on Chicanos The Hounds made a serious step to OPG and soon began to engage in banal racketeering - demanded protection money from the city residents indiscriminately looting, zhgya shops and killing anyone who resisted. The result was the impact of the city authorities and the people's militia on them, after which 20 people sat in jail, while the rest were forced to flee.
The Pincheira brothers
The Pincheira brothers (in Spanish: Hermanos Pincheira), were a gang of criminals royalists with a very bad reputation in Chile and Argentina, their activity was for the period from 1818 to 1832 years. Banda struggled initially in the Chilean War of Independence as a guerrilla-royalists during the period Guerra muerte. When the leader of Vicente Benavides died, they ultimately were isolated as the only remaining group of royalists on terrritorii Chile. Leave guerilla warfare Chilean boys were no longer able to. Even remains the only royalist militant group in South America, they continued shizit in full.
In parallel, they specialized in guerrilla raiding and stealing cattle, as well as robbery. After long dvizhuha Pincheira brothers made a covenant with the tribe Boroanos, who lived near salt lakes and mountain range Grandes de la Vantaa with them attacked the town of Carmen de Patagonia and strength Forteleza Protector Argentin. In 1832, the Chilean general Manuel Balnes crossed the Cordillera and the Pincheira brothers defeated in the battle of Epulafquén.
PS To be continued! The following sections will review these and a couple of bands plan to devote a whole article.
PPS Do not forget the copyright!
LightSmoke (Smoke)
The Mohocks
The Mohocks were a gang that terrorized London in the early eighteenth century, attacking indiscriminately both men and women. Taking its name from the name of an Indian tribe, they attacked men and women, raping and mutilating first second. The issue came to government in 1712, measures were not long in coming - a reward of £ 100 has been assigned to the royal court of their capture. The leader of the gang was known as the «Emperor of the Mohocks», he had a special sign - a huge tattoo on his forehead.
This gang has also been known as the [next] «young butchers', later the name was reduced to" butchers ».
According vospominaniyai Lady Wentworth: "They put the old woman in a big barrel and rolled it down a hill; They cut people noses, hands, they do it without warning and causes - they do not need a reason. At the same time, they call themselves the young gentlemen - they have never taken money from their victims. "(Newspaper Wentworth, 277)
Mohocks were the worst and the last of the teams of street thugs who terrorized London after the Restoration. Also they were hearing the Muns, the Hectors, the Scourers, the Nickers, and the Hawkubites.
Hawkubites were a gang that terrorized London from 1711 to 1714 during the reign of Queen Anne. Hawkubites beaten women, children and the elderly watchmen in the streets after dark. They were preceded by a terrible Mohocks. Before our time came the famous verse from the Chambers Book of Days, where they are referred to as bloody monsters and offspring of the devil:
From Mohock and from Hawkubite,
Good Lord, deliver me!
Who wander through the streets at night,
Committing cruelty.
They slash our sons with bloody knives,
And on our daughters fall;
And if they murder not our wives,
We have good luck withal
Coaches and chairs they overturn,
Nay, carts most easily;
Therefore from Gog and Magog,
Good Lord, deliver me!
The Gas House Gang
The Gas House Gang were a New York street gang in the late nineteenth century.
Founded in the 1890s, The Gas House Gang based near Gas House in Manhattan on East 35th Street, driving area along Third Avenue from 11th to 18th streets. Specializing in armed robberies, The Gas House Gang, according to various estimates, rehearsed for 30 - 40 robberies per night, so they extorted money from local residents and kept brothels. The gang continued to control the area for more than two decades until it was eventually absorbed by a gang of Five Points Gang in 1910.
The 19th Street Gang
The 19th Street Gang - Irish street gang from New York during the 1870s, they were known as especially brutal antiprotestantskaya team.
The 19th Street Gang consisted mainly of young pickpockets, burglars and thieves led by a young man known as Little Mike. Working in an area with 19th Street at 34th Street, known as the "Alley of poverty", grouping mainly robbed defenseless victims such as the elderly, women and children; However, they said, did not touch the local Catholics, often asking the victim told his name given at baptism, told psalms about their local church and asked other questions to help you understand - Catholic or Protestant in front of them?
By the end of the 1880s the team was gone completely.
The Dutch Mob
The Dutch Mob was a New York gang of pickpockets in the days of the late nineteenth century.
Created during the late 1860s Little Freddy, "brilliant" Mike Kurtz and John Irvin, former gang members Italian Dave Gang, The Dutch Mob soon became one of the biggest gang of pickpockets in the United States, which has composed about 300 participants. They worked mainly in the neighborhood of Manhattan to the east of the Bowery, the area was known as the "paradise of pickpockets," the local press. A common tactic was that while some guys tied street fight, others practiced gaze up at her people. In another variation, several members of the mob attacked the victim, who "saved" the other members of the gang, posing as innocent bystanders, obchischaya pockets in the process.
However, when Anthony J.. Aller was appointed head of the election campaign in 1877, "visiting police team" was sent to clean the area, attacking anyone suspected or looked like a pickpocket or other criminals, and to the end of the year in fact remains very few members gang.
The same area was the home of another group of young pickpockets, the Crazy Butch Gang, in the 1890s.
The Live Oak Boys
The Live Oak Boys - New Orleans Irish street gang led by "red" by Bill Wilson, the Live Oak Boys were formed in 1858. Named for hewn oak truncheons, who were their favorite weapon, the group was less organized than similar ones Five Points. Participants rats themselves money and goods which they managed to steal together. This often led to mezhduusobits were frequently stealing from each other and, at times, they were killing each other.
Also guys make money from local businessmen for services that included assault, arson and other acts of vandalism against competitors, especially suffered densingi.
A team continued to dominate in New Orleans more than a decade. However, many members of the group were eventually killed or jailed during the 1870s, and by 1880 the team has declined significantly, parallel to them opened the hunt grown and getting up on their feet the town youth groups. Soon, The Live Oak Boys disappeared.
The Hounds
The Hounds were a gang of natives of San Francisco, to promote the idea of '' antiinostrantsev '' against immigrants, especially Hispanics, during the California Gold Rush in 1849.
Officially called the public regulator in San Francisco, the gang, mostly gathered in the structure of thugs, local Bandos and the Mexican-American War Veterans, and later became known as The Hounds. Manage local political party «Know Nothing», the grouping used patriotism after the Mexican-American War, to discourage foreigners from the newly discovered gold mines. The Hounds have been a serious public support, despite their brutal tactics they regularly attacked the Mexican and Chilean immigrants in Point Clark and milked hard-Latinos, who have managed to gain a foothold in the area.
Unfortunately, in addition to the duty raids on Chicanos The Hounds made a serious step to OPG and soon began to engage in banal racketeering - demanded protection money from the city residents indiscriminately looting, zhgya shops and killing anyone who resisted. The result was the impact of the city authorities and the people's militia on them, after which 20 people sat in jail, while the rest were forced to flee.
The Pincheira brothers
The Pincheira brothers (in Spanish: Hermanos Pincheira), were a gang of criminals royalists with a very bad reputation in Chile and Argentina, their activity was for the period from 1818 to 1832 years. Banda struggled initially in the Chilean War of Independence as a guerrilla-royalists during the period Guerra muerte. When the leader of Vicente Benavides died, they ultimately were isolated as the only remaining group of royalists on terrritorii Chile. Leave guerilla warfare Chilean boys were no longer able to. Even remains the only royalist militant group in South America, they continued shizit in full.
In parallel, they specialized in guerrilla raiding and stealing cattle, as well as robbery. After long dvizhuha Pincheira brothers made a covenant with the tribe Boroanos, who lived near salt lakes and mountain range Grandes de la Vantaa with them attacked the town of Carmen de Patagonia and strength Forteleza Protector Argentin. In 1832, the Chilean general Manuel Balnes crossed the Cordillera and the Pincheira brothers defeated in the battle of Epulafquén.
PS To be continued! The following sections will review these and a couple of bands plan to devote a whole article.
PPS Do not forget the copyright!
LightSmoke (Smoke)
