Nevsky Prospect filled pickpockets!
On Nevsky Prospekt fit to introduce a state of emergency. Gangs of pickpockets in broad daylight fleecing of Petersburgers and guests. Lose purse and other valuables can be anywhere: in public transport, at a crosswalk, at a coffee shop in the store, the crowd on the sidewalk. Artillery thieves openly, blatantly and boldly. Correspondents "HB" conducted its own investigation and horrified scale and smooth flow of this criminal business. Worse, perhaps, it can only be in the slums of Rio de Janeiro or in the ghettos of New York. But Nevsky - the main streets of St. Petersburg!
3 photo + letter via nvspb.ru
In St. Petersburg police like to talk about how difficult it is to track down and catch the act of professional pickpockets. Journalists "HB" only took a few hours to learn how to calculate the pickpockets in the crowd and understand their working methods. Especially that criminal business on the Nevsky Prospect - from Rebellion to Palace Square - practically monopolized a gang of pickpockets, consisting mostly of natives of the Caucasus (from the Palace and on the territory controlled Slavic OPG). Thieves single rare. Competitors Caucasians not stand on ceremony - not so long ago one of the Uzbek thief tried to work on their territory, found with his throat cut.
The gang of about ten people. Labor Day begins with thieves 7am. Often pickpockets "inject" 12 hours a day, seven days a week and holidays. Often, not only stealing, but also openly rob their victims. Take video equipment, cameras, jewelry. It is said that one day this gang can "earn" from 30 to 50 thousand rubles, and the victims of thieves may be up to three dozen people!
Caucasians become familiar for a long time, they know in person the police guards of shops, conductors of buses and trolleybuses, and even locals. Public transport plying along Nevsky Prospekt, began to thieves, in fact, a native home.
Almost half a day we watched the gang ambushed at the corner of Nevsky and Foundry. Thieves conveyor runs like clockwork. Every 40-45 minutes, thieves broke into groups of two people stormed the overcrowded buses and trolleybuses, following in the direction of the Palace Square. The signal for the assault was the emergence of a group of foreign tourists at the bus stop (say gunners gangs often lead them right from the hotel). On the shoulders of foreign thieves got into public transportation (two in front and two in the back door) and began to move toward the middle, creating inside the throng and bustle - the perfect setting for the theft. All the actions of thieves on a mobile phone standing at the bus stop coordinated foreman. He also thieves, after returning from a trip, handed over the stolen valuables and money.
The most striking was how to behave pickpockets: completely uninhibited and free - like the shepherds, drive a flock of sheep in the barnyard. Every sortie thieves are discussed in detail on mobile phones, even more so that none of the Caucasian speech standing at the bus stop passengers did not understand. It was evident that they are not afraid of a dirty trick on the part of the police.
By the way, that day we toured several times and found the whole Nevsky Only two cars of traffic police of the Central District, shyly hiding in the courts and in the surrounding streets. From time to time the guards came out of the saloon car to stretch my legs, but by making a couple of laps around the car again plunk down on the seat and plunged into a sweet slumber.
- It's a nightmare - one voice declared our conductors and drivers of public transport plying on the Nevsky Prospect. - This gang are operating here for several years. We are constantly being threatened, intimidated, can easily beat, and then a knife to stab. And we do a family, children. You go to work and do not know whether you come back home safe and sound. Once trolleybus driver, who announced on the loudspeaker that pickpockets work in the cabin, pulled out of the cab and brutally beaten. And the police pretend that nothing happens ...
Almost everyone with whom we spoke believe that pickpockets "roof" of "werewolves in epaulets." As at the grassroots level and at the top. After Nevsky not some Rzhevka or Parnas - all in the mind, and hide things happening here mayhem afford only very important to police bumps.
- Somehow to me in the cabin went into civilian police officer, showed identity - told us the conductor trolley. - And behind him on the shoulders Intourist hollow gang Dagestanis. Well, this poor fellow began to shake. I told them: "What are you doing! Stop! "And they told me:" Shut up, bitch, unless you want to get a feather in the side. " I'm a police officer, "Help! Man robbed! "And he shrugged:" I work day is over "- and came to a stop. A Caucasian grinned and said, "Remember, we bought all the cops, so do not twitch!»
Later in the afternoon Caucasian thieves curtail their criminal business, and sent to thieves and raspberries in St. Petersburg taverns. And they come to replace gypsy-thief and thieves single. Singles - mostly Slavs guest performers - try not to attract attention, when a police immediately disappear. But the gypsy groups are no less brazen than Caucasian. Drag everything that comes their way. In seconds can pull the purse on a pedestrian crossing. Their victims are most often the most defenseless - the elderly, the elderly, women and even children.
During the preparation of this material correspondents "NV" on several occasions appealed to the militiaman that they even noticed the gun on Nevsky Roma-thieves.
- And this is not our area! - I was usually the answer.
If an area is still them, the policemen stripped Roma ten meters, then immediately lost all interest in him. The only time the police have heeded our requests, put Roma in the "funnel" and taken away somewhere. But the next day the young thief reappeared on Nevsky ...
3 photo + letter via nvspb.ru

In St. Petersburg police like to talk about how difficult it is to track down and catch the act of professional pickpockets. Journalists "HB" only took a few hours to learn how to calculate the pickpockets in the crowd and understand their working methods. Especially that criminal business on the Nevsky Prospect - from Rebellion to Palace Square - practically monopolized a gang of pickpockets, consisting mostly of natives of the Caucasus (from the Palace and on the territory controlled Slavic OPG). Thieves single rare. Competitors Caucasians not stand on ceremony - not so long ago one of the Uzbek thief tried to work on their territory, found with his throat cut.

The gang of about ten people. Labor Day begins with thieves 7am. Often pickpockets "inject" 12 hours a day, seven days a week and holidays. Often, not only stealing, but also openly rob their victims. Take video equipment, cameras, jewelry. It is said that one day this gang can "earn" from 30 to 50 thousand rubles, and the victims of thieves may be up to three dozen people!
Caucasians become familiar for a long time, they know in person the police guards of shops, conductors of buses and trolleybuses, and even locals. Public transport plying along Nevsky Prospekt, began to thieves, in fact, a native home.

Almost half a day we watched the gang ambushed at the corner of Nevsky and Foundry. Thieves conveyor runs like clockwork. Every 40-45 minutes, thieves broke into groups of two people stormed the overcrowded buses and trolleybuses, following in the direction of the Palace Square. The signal for the assault was the emergence of a group of foreign tourists at the bus stop (say gunners gangs often lead them right from the hotel). On the shoulders of foreign thieves got into public transportation (two in front and two in the back door) and began to move toward the middle, creating inside the throng and bustle - the perfect setting for the theft. All the actions of thieves on a mobile phone standing at the bus stop coordinated foreman. He also thieves, after returning from a trip, handed over the stolen valuables and money.
The most striking was how to behave pickpockets: completely uninhibited and free - like the shepherds, drive a flock of sheep in the barnyard. Every sortie thieves are discussed in detail on mobile phones, even more so that none of the Caucasian speech standing at the bus stop passengers did not understand. It was evident that they are not afraid of a dirty trick on the part of the police.
By the way, that day we toured several times and found the whole Nevsky Only two cars of traffic police of the Central District, shyly hiding in the courts and in the surrounding streets. From time to time the guards came out of the saloon car to stretch my legs, but by making a couple of laps around the car again plunk down on the seat and plunged into a sweet slumber.
- It's a nightmare - one voice declared our conductors and drivers of public transport plying on the Nevsky Prospect. - This gang are operating here for several years. We are constantly being threatened, intimidated, can easily beat, and then a knife to stab. And we do a family, children. You go to work and do not know whether you come back home safe and sound. Once trolleybus driver, who announced on the loudspeaker that pickpockets work in the cabin, pulled out of the cab and brutally beaten. And the police pretend that nothing happens ...
Almost everyone with whom we spoke believe that pickpockets "roof" of "werewolves in epaulets." As at the grassroots level and at the top. After Nevsky not some Rzhevka or Parnas - all in the mind, and hide things happening here mayhem afford only very important to police bumps.
- Somehow to me in the cabin went into civilian police officer, showed identity - told us the conductor trolley. - And behind him on the shoulders Intourist hollow gang Dagestanis. Well, this poor fellow began to shake. I told them: "What are you doing! Stop! "And they told me:" Shut up, bitch, unless you want to get a feather in the side. " I'm a police officer, "Help! Man robbed! "And he shrugged:" I work day is over "- and came to a stop. A Caucasian grinned and said, "Remember, we bought all the cops, so do not twitch!»
Later in the afternoon Caucasian thieves curtail their criminal business, and sent to thieves and raspberries in St. Petersburg taverns. And they come to replace gypsy-thief and thieves single. Singles - mostly Slavs guest performers - try not to attract attention, when a police immediately disappear. But the gypsy groups are no less brazen than Caucasian. Drag everything that comes their way. In seconds can pull the purse on a pedestrian crossing. Their victims are most often the most defenseless - the elderly, the elderly, women and even children.
During the preparation of this material correspondents "NV" on several occasions appealed to the militiaman that they even noticed the gun on Nevsky Roma-thieves.
- And this is not our area! - I was usually the answer.
If an area is still them, the policemen stripped Roma ten meters, then immediately lost all interest in him. The only time the police have heeded our requests, put Roma in the "funnel" and taken away somewhere. But the next day the young thief reappeared on Nevsky ...
