Nevsky, what's your name?

The fact that the city was renamed Peter more than once, a well-known fact. Do you know how to originally was called Central Avenue north of the capital?
In the early years of the construction of St. Petersburg Nevsky future represented a broad swath, connects with the main Admiralty Shipyards podvoznoy artery - old Novgorod road. Firebreak this was a logical name Big pershpektivnaya road. Then, after the victory over the Swedes in 1710, PetrI founded the Alexander Nevsky Monastery. Most pershpektivnaya continued to the construction site of the monastery.
And the title of this divine institution was the Great pershpektivnaya in 1738 under Empress Anna Ivanovna renamed the Nevsky prospect, and in 1776 (EkaterinaII tried) got its present name. And so, finally, was the Nevsky Nevsky. There were, however, ahead of the next rename. From 1783 to 1820 he was named the Big Neva. And in 1918-1944 was named Prospect October 25. But, thank God, have returned to the prospectus thing, they say, is the name.
And, in fact, as Michael Weller would call their "Legends of Nevsky Prospect»?
Even you do not want to represent. Yes, and in the works of other Petrograd oh, how he often appears. Give him the god of purity and beauty. Yes no new renaming. He is so good.