Brilliant advertising creams for footwear
In advertising creams for footwear is almost no sense to talk about something else, except for mostly its properties - give blesk.Mozhno shoes, of course, show the ugliness of dirty footwear, service shoes durability and their ability to cover up dirt (and some did) but much more interesting to play with the luster and shine in all its manifestations. Finding new interesting application of glitter, hyperbolizing and practicing wit.
One of the most popular methods - comparison with mirror polished shoes. Well, all that it entails. From styling to boot, finishing as the ancient world taking the boys to look under the skirts of girls.
The second most popular - a demonstration of reflected light from the shoe on the faces of their carriers.
1. Footwear as a mirror. And not always the soul.
2. Light from below
3. The reflective properties of the shoe 28,765,811 net
4. Pro shine 14,369,852
5. about gleam
via # image5204455
One of the most popular methods - comparison with mirror polished shoes. Well, all that it entails. From styling to boot, finishing as the ancient world taking the boys to look under the skirts of girls.
The second most popular - a demonstration of reflected light from the shoe on the faces of their carriers.
1. Footwear as a mirror. And not always the soul.
2. Light from below
3. The reflective properties of the shoe 28,765,811 net
4. Pro shine 14,369,852
5. about gleam
via # image5204455