Brand dog

The new brand developed in the agency Wolff Olins for about 15 million rubles ($ 400-600 thousand dollars).
The main brand color - yellow - preserved, as were chosen more black, white and blue. Change the spelling of the logo.

Since 1997, the logo of "Euroset" depicted in blue letters on a bright yellow background, and the Russian flag, designed to impersonate a network of salons of cellular communication, covering the whole of Russia. Now, the company name will be written in white letters on a yellow background (or black letters on a white background), and the additional element and signs on the windows will appear yellow terrier.

"When we studied the previous image, created the impression that he is too business, so we have removed everything that destroys the individual, leaving all very simple. Consumers should be created a feeling that "Euroset" - one that will help find what they are looking for - says Owen Hughes, creative director of Wolff Olins, which develops brand "Euroset" .- We thought about different mascot (from French mascotte - "a person, animal or object that brings good luck" .- "b"), but eventually came to the conclusion that the dog is the best option. " President of "Euroset" Alexander Malis explains the need for re-branding the fact that the company's salons look archaic, and buyers are a place where you can buy high-tech devices, more modern. According to him, this year the new image appears in about 2 thousand. Salons, the rest - in 2012. "Our Mission" We need everything "does not change, but the level of service, which is now high enough, should grow significantly," - sums up the top manager.

Proceeds of "Euroset" for the third quarter of 2010 under IFRS amounted to 16 907 billion rubles., EBITDA - 2, 543 billion rubles., EBITDA margin - 15, 04%, net profit - 1 877 billion rubles. About 50, 9% of shares from investment company ANN Alexander Mamut, 49, 9% - the "VimpelCom" and less than 0, 1% - from TV presenter Ksenia Sobchak.
A source close to the company said that the cost of agency services will eventually be $ 400-600 thous., And renewal of one point will cost from 800 thousand. Up to 1 million rubles. (a total of 3, 2-4 billion rubles.). After re-branding showrooms next month revenue should increase at least by 10-20%, says the source "b».
Evrosetevaya mentality is similar to the operating system Unix - it is a magical land where dreams are born administrators and where I came from computer dog. And she alone knows the way back
- Ivan Okhlobystin, Creative Director of "Euroset»
blockquote> The general director of RTC (operates a retail network of MTS, over 3, 6 thousand. salons) Sergey Rumyantsev believes that the change of signs can only increase the visibility of the company, the brand thus does not enhance the "brand determined people, the company should have a new mission or a new name ».
Wolff Olins fee of $ 400-600 thousand. Looks overpriced, said the general director of the agency BBDO Branding Turhan Mahmudov. According to him, the very value of the work is unlikely to exceed $ 400 thousand., But a contract with Wolff Olins could also provide for monitoring and for one year by the agency as rebranding implemented. The new-look "Euroset" very westernized, and this is a revolutionary step for the domestic retail, says managing director of the agency TNC Brands.Ads Natalia Mesh.
By Interbrand once to evaluate the brand value of "Euroset". The top 40 most expensive Russian brand in 2006, she took the last place (867 million rubles.). In the next three ranking experts Interbrand «Euroset" is not included (at the time of the rating agencies have not been reporting companies on the basis of which the calculated value of the brand).
Inna Erokhin, Sergei Sobolev, Elizaveta Kuznetsova