50 unusual cards
Selection of the most unusual cards: vouchers, edible, folding and tolko.Vizitka - this is not necessarily a white rectangle with a color logo and black letters. The most interesting cards usually are your potential customers are small businesses and "solo" entrepreneurs. No advertising budget and to stand out and be remembered as needed.
The move to create an unusual business cards are absolutely all possible ways and methods: materials, shape, additional elements, embossing, cutting, typography ... Anything.
From our collection supervizitok consisting of hundreds of examples, we have selected 50 of the most bizarre and unusual cards.
Universal vizitka
Manufacturer krovli
Graphic dizayner
Personal trener
Shop hemp seed
Stationery Shop Bang Your Own Drum
Yoga tsentr
Shop mebeli
Top teams modeley
The company perevozchik
Grill bar
Survival School:
card of edible dried myasa
Japanese cards «Taberu Me» - «Eat me»:
details of the owner are burned by laser on the surface of produkta
Stylist: Useful card
with a set of pins-nevidimok
Manufacturer of adhesive Henkel
Red Krest
Shop second-hand furniture:
information on second-hand store WCC stamped on business cards famous furniture stores, b / goods which they, apparently, torguyut
Family therapist: heals broken serdtsa
Consultant for survivors razvod
Designer: card hidden in a traditional
US cookies with syurprizom
Personal trener
Yoga tsentr
School karate
Design studiya
Investment kompaniya
"Grass" Company: business card is a bag of seed lawn travy
Gardener: If a card-bag to put in the water from it sprout zelen
Architectural shkola
Graphic designer: inside really splashing liquid similar to krov
A similar card, only this time with a white liquid was at Durex
Here is another graphic dizayner
And esche
Adjuster fortepiano
The company, which produces and sets dveri
Card headhunter: really edible ("After reading eat") 92,953,064
Merchant-hand tovarami
Branding agency: Dr. brand offers a cure for all "diseases" brenda
Print instead of a business card: to die as a trace of lipstick written name and phone number of the cabin krasoty
Large pechat
3D-3D-card designer. Points vnutri
Greek restaurant: business cards printed
on the ruins of the bat posudy
Hacker Kevin Mitnik
Advertising agentstvo
Proof: a business card in the form of a pencil
with a huge lastikom
via # image2895205
The move to create an unusual business cards are absolutely all possible ways and methods: materials, shape, additional elements, embossing, cutting, typography ... Anything.
From our collection supervizitok consisting of hundreds of examples, we have selected 50 of the most bizarre and unusual cards.
Universal vizitka


Manufacturer krovli

Graphic dizayner

Personal trener

Shop hemp seed
Stationery Shop Bang Your Own Drum

Yoga tsentr

Shop mebeli



Top teams modeley

The company perevozchik

Grill bar


Survival School:
card of edible dried myasa

Japanese cards «Taberu Me» - «Eat me»:
details of the owner are burned by laser on the surface of produkta



Stylist: Useful card
with a set of pins-nevidimok

Manufacturer of adhesive Henkel

Red Krest

Shop second-hand furniture:
information on second-hand store WCC stamped on business cards famous furniture stores, b / goods which they, apparently, torguyut

Family therapist: heals broken serdtsa

Consultant for survivors razvod

Designer: card hidden in a traditional
US cookies with syurprizom




Personal trener

Yoga tsentr

School karate

Design studiya

Investment kompaniya

"Grass" Company: business card is a bag of seed lawn travy

Gardener: If a card-bag to put in the water from it sprout zelen

Architectural shkola

Graphic designer: inside really splashing liquid similar to krov

A similar card, only this time with a white liquid was at Durex

Here is another graphic dizayner

And esche

Adjuster fortepiano

The company, which produces and sets dveri

Card headhunter: really edible ("After reading eat") 92,953,064

Merchant-hand tovarami

Branding agency: Dr. brand offers a cure for all "diseases" brenda

Print instead of a business card: to die as a trace of lipstick written name and phone number of the cabin krasoty

Large pechat

3D-3D-card designer. Points vnutri

Greek restaurant: business cards printed
on the ruins of the bat posudy

Hacker Kevin Mitnik

Advertising agentstvo

Proof: a business card in the form of a pencil
with a huge lastikom

via # image2895205