Card of the future

Prerequisite virtually any business meeting is the exchange of business cards. Therefore, many business accumulates a number of cards that need a library of business card holders for their storage. In addition, among this large number of business cards it is very difficult to find the currently kartochku.

To solve this problem, the device has been created, called Halo, which might be called the hallmark of the future. Gadget Halo allows you to not have to keep a huge number of cards that you received during business meetings. In addition, you do not need to carry a whole stack of his business cards. Suffice it to touch devaysom Halo to such a device of your business partner to the wireless communication protocol to exchange the necessary information. Moreover, each user can create for Halo its original design digital business kartochki.

Of course, the main thing is that such cards has got quite a lot of people, different sense, as they say, is lost. On the other hand, with the role of an unusual business card can easily cope even with any smartphone. Although the card is much more stylish, not argue with that.
See also: gadget NapTV: and chair, and a TV. The laptop with transparent OLED-display from Samsung. Lifebook, which unites our gadgets. Touchscreen can transfer texture materials. 40-inch table-tablet from Samsung: the life of ideas.
Source: scienceblog.ru/2012/04/18/vizitnaya-kartochka-budushhego/