Great business cards. Part 2
The site continues to gather a collection of the most interesting solutions in business cards. Small and relatively simple channel of direct communication with auditoriey.Mnogoletnie monitoring of this category of advertising all confirm and reaffirm the belief that the business card - it's not necessarily a white rectangle with a color logo and black letters. And also the fact that the most interesting cards are your potential customers are small businesses and "solo" entrepreneurs. No advertising budget and to stand out and be remembered as needed.
Remember the first part of a collection of super-aways and a second look now.
Shops podarkov
An employee Lego
3D dizayner
Audio studiya
The design studio under the name "Department of Energy"
Sports tsentr
Shop author odezhdy
Suppliers kofe
Family psihoterapevt
Restaurants kritik
Designer (card hidden in the traditional cookies with a surprise US) 73,860,818
The program for "adoption" greyhaundov
Dog instruktor
The company, which produces and sets dveri
Teacher games on barabanah
Defenders of environmental sredy
Organization feministok
Gallery and parquet flooring pokrytiy
Design studiya
Large pechat
Master manikyura
Multimedia dizayner
The employee of the Swedish national entsiklopedii
The company has engaged pokraskoy
Photographer (card hints at the camera obscura, with which it all started)
Card of thick plastika
Design studio (a small wholesale) 42,220,102
Studio dizayna
Fund tennisa
Printing, founded in 1847 godu
Yoga tsentr
Great business cards. Part 1
via / kreativnyj-obzor / -chto-mozhet-skazat-o-biznesmene-ego-vizitka-da-prakticheski-vsio-obnovleno-20999 /
Remember the first part of a collection of super-aways and a second look now.
Shops podarkov
An employee Lego
3D dizayner
Audio studiya
The design studio under the name "Department of Energy"
Sports tsentr
Shop author odezhdy
Suppliers kofe
Family psihoterapevt
Restaurants kritik
Designer (card hidden in the traditional cookies with a surprise US) 73,860,818
The program for "adoption" greyhaundov
Dog instruktor
The company, which produces and sets dveri
Teacher games on barabanah
Defenders of environmental sredy
Organization feministok
Gallery and parquet flooring pokrytiy
Design studiya
Large pechat
Master manikyura
Multimedia dizayner
The employee of the Swedish national entsiklopedii
The company has engaged pokraskoy
Photographer (card hints at the camera obscura, with which it all started)
Card of thick plastika
Design studio (a small wholesale) 42,220,102
Studio dizayna
Fund tennisa
Printing, founded in 1847 godu
Yoga tsentr
Great business cards. Part 1
via / kreativnyj-obzor / -chto-mozhet-skazat-o-biznesmene-ego-vizitka-da-prakticheski-vsio-obnovleno-20999 /