How brilliantly sell "seven"
The best advertisement for the sale of the old vehicle: Arthur Apetyan showed the highest pilotazh.Sayt takes the position that work in our lives is possible everywhere, and is always looking for more and more acknowledgment. Therefore, we could not pass up ads masterpiece regular user of facebook Krasnodar.
A large amount of text is more than compensated by a sense of humor, sarcasm, sincerity and excellent knowledge of the word. Copywriters and journalists learn. Krasnodar, buy a car.
Sold his "seven"! Purchase, frankly, questionable, but the price - a purely symbolic. 40 thousand rubles, and your Corvette! Year 1996, the state disputed. Mileage is indicated on the display as the 52000, but it is understood by 152000. And if you absolutely honest, 252000.
Most importantly, the device on the go! The city is no problem (except that no air conditioning in the summer it's hot as hell). Breaks with a traffic light, many foreign cars (especially those who are not aware that they were participating in a contest). On the road, too normul. What speed you will be able to develop it, it depends on your self-preservation instinct. Personally, I am in those rare times when it clocked up to 130, found himself on the fact that not blink, did not move, and hardly breathing.
The car in an accident not uchastvovovala. However, the front fenders are both slightly dented. Probably they beat me. Although I, too, once tapped, to be honest, but very slowly. The left wing has an unpainted portion of gray. It helps to detect the vehicle on a large parking lot and gives the beast a unique identity. According to the body - there are some areas that can be considered normal. Body entirely me in 2000, but it does not say.
Interior trim is made on someone's unfathomable whim with linoleum. With this need to live. Deep in the driver's seat (which is something snapped inside, why it was lower than it should be), there is some very sharp detail, which sometimes painful bites into the lower back. I have not figured out what the item is, why it is there and how such a thing could be.
The passenger door jammed periodically. Achtung Keychain signaling, has long had the plastic on the main button, so there has to poke the key. But it is not difficult, because the key is always separate from the key fob, because plastic ear too long since broken down. The service on the question of replacing the keychain disrespectful laugh.
In the car last year and a half smoked. And before that I smoked a lot. But no more than the previous owner and his many friends - at the same time, all together, in the winter, with tightly closed windows. Ceiling uncharacteristically gray will not allow it to hide.
Discs bad.
Stove - a hell of a mountain - running in the winter so that my mother did not worry. But unfortunately, the hot air podtravlivaet below and in summer, when the stove is off, and if you press more than 110 around the track in sandals, it was hot stuff in the fingers on his right leg.
Because of the mounting block has a strange layout, which is not the first time understands even my electrician. I can not explain why some of them are made, but just remember that without them it is not twisted. Self mounting block, by the way, it is better to change some contacts tuck matches and twigs, it's not quite right, and not very safe.
I am pleased to say that but in this car invested all my love and care, but it is not. It invested only hatred and contempt. Do not groping in the device of the car, I opened the hood or to pour some liquid on the eve disappeared without a trace and apparent reason, or to look at a loss on the engine when the car suddenly rises.
Who needs it. Excellent trainer for beginners, followed by driving any vehicle whose model year later, in 1982, seems blessed relief. For rough work wear. Loaded with building materials for the roof and a sweaty guy, hard worker behind the wheel of this car will look more correct than the girl-student, whose phone costs about the same. For enthusiasts, happy home to a large part of the day in the garage. Plenty of room for creativity in this machine is limitless, you can fix and change almost everything.
Cool Pimp-mobile for this pimp! Battle-hardened pirate schooner with a harsh temper! Samurai, faithful to his master until his last breath. As Hatori Hanzo, passing his best sword, the Black Mamba, "Even if the Buddha himself would be in your way, it will be defeated!»
Creative explanatory
Geniuses ads among us
Letter of resignation on the cake
via www.facebook.com/arthur.apetyan
A large amount of text is more than compensated by a sense of humor, sarcasm, sincerity and excellent knowledge of the word. Copywriters and journalists learn. Krasnodar, buy a car.

Sold his "seven"! Purchase, frankly, questionable, but the price - a purely symbolic. 40 thousand rubles, and your Corvette! Year 1996, the state disputed. Mileage is indicated on the display as the 52000, but it is understood by 152000. And if you absolutely honest, 252000.
Most importantly, the device on the go! The city is no problem (except that no air conditioning in the summer it's hot as hell). Breaks with a traffic light, many foreign cars (especially those who are not aware that they were participating in a contest). On the road, too normul. What speed you will be able to develop it, it depends on your self-preservation instinct. Personally, I am in those rare times when it clocked up to 130, found himself on the fact that not blink, did not move, and hardly breathing.
The car in an accident not uchastvovovala. However, the front fenders are both slightly dented. Probably they beat me. Although I, too, once tapped, to be honest, but very slowly. The left wing has an unpainted portion of gray. It helps to detect the vehicle on a large parking lot and gives the beast a unique identity. According to the body - there are some areas that can be considered normal. Body entirely me in 2000, but it does not say.
Interior trim is made on someone's unfathomable whim with linoleum. With this need to live. Deep in the driver's seat (which is something snapped inside, why it was lower than it should be), there is some very sharp detail, which sometimes painful bites into the lower back. I have not figured out what the item is, why it is there and how such a thing could be.
The passenger door jammed periodically. Achtung Keychain signaling, has long had the plastic on the main button, so there has to poke the key. But it is not difficult, because the key is always separate from the key fob, because plastic ear too long since broken down. The service on the question of replacing the keychain disrespectful laugh.
In the car last year and a half smoked. And before that I smoked a lot. But no more than the previous owner and his many friends - at the same time, all together, in the winter, with tightly closed windows. Ceiling uncharacteristically gray will not allow it to hide.
Discs bad.
Stove - a hell of a mountain - running in the winter so that my mother did not worry. But unfortunately, the hot air podtravlivaet below and in summer, when the stove is off, and if you press more than 110 around the track in sandals, it was hot stuff in the fingers on his right leg.
Because of the mounting block has a strange layout, which is not the first time understands even my electrician. I can not explain why some of them are made, but just remember that without them it is not twisted. Self mounting block, by the way, it is better to change some contacts tuck matches and twigs, it's not quite right, and not very safe.
I am pleased to say that but in this car invested all my love and care, but it is not. It invested only hatred and contempt. Do not groping in the device of the car, I opened the hood or to pour some liquid on the eve disappeared without a trace and apparent reason, or to look at a loss on the engine when the car suddenly rises.
Who needs it. Excellent trainer for beginners, followed by driving any vehicle whose model year later, in 1982, seems blessed relief. For rough work wear. Loaded with building materials for the roof and a sweaty guy, hard worker behind the wheel of this car will look more correct than the girl-student, whose phone costs about the same. For enthusiasts, happy home to a large part of the day in the garage. Plenty of room for creativity in this machine is limitless, you can fix and change almost everything.
Cool Pimp-mobile for this pimp! Battle-hardened pirate schooner with a harsh temper! Samurai, faithful to his master until his last breath. As Hatori Hanzo, passing his best sword, the Black Mamba, "Even if the Buddha himself would be in your way, it will be defeated!»
Creative explanatory
Geniuses ads among us
Letter of resignation on the cake
via www.facebook.com/arthur.apetyan