Books about friends
From the artist Tanya Tavlla.Tatyana Zadorozhna, aka Tanya Tavlla, known in the network for its charming and good pictures with captions. Despite its apparent simplicity, its history is always vital and very close to each of us. Not long ago, the artist shared her story about friends. Concisely and in a manner unique to her Tavlla tells who the real friends are, what they eat and why they are better than imagined.
The book is about work and personal life
The story of the fall
The book is about a depressed
Tanya Tavlla in Instagram
Merry creativity Thani Tavlla
via tavlla.livejournal.com/293859.html

The book is about work and personal life
The story of the fall
The book is about a depressed
Tanya Tavlla in Instagram
Merry creativity Thani Tavlla
via tavlla.livejournal.com/293859.html