Why do we need "Book rescuer"
Let's learn about that Russian rescuers means the so-called "Book rescuer", and why it is needed.
The thing is that it required to complete all certified in the Russian rescuers in all the years of my hard work. I advise you to read on, very interesting.
There is a column "special conditions", and it is filled with special diligence: the more hours worked in "special circumstances", the more hours added to the release. Over time, the "Book rescuer" is not only thoroughly worn, but rather spacious.
Within three years, photographer Yana Romanova filmed in St. Petersburg job search and rescue team Emergencies Ministry for the project "Book of the Savior," accompanied by a lifeguard at checkout. During this time, her original question, "Why did you become a lifeguard?" Was replaced by another: "Why are you still here?».
"A couple of years ago, getting out of the child, put the body in the bag, gave parents. Their grief, and we quickly towards waste because themselves already bursting with some of his jokes, and yet ugly to relatives. When it is necessary to sign, someone makes a mournful face and goes, initialed, and then again come to laugh. And what else? "- Says one of the rescue squad.
Change in the unit lasts for 24 hours, "after three days". In a "good" day is three to four applications in a "bad" day - not one. "Bad" days more than "good". "In the shift may be six accidents - says Lech, who has worked in the unit for more than sixteen years - and none of them are present: someone scratched, and for some reason we cause. Of course, compared to what we are used to doing, even now and tell something about. But the work keeps. Always think: "What if?" »
In 2010, Max announced the best lifeguard of the Russian Federation, and suggested that posters with his picture will hang in all cities of Russia. This portrait is not taken because the clasp on the helmet askew.
Somehow it always happened in kindergarten. Whether there is an emergency tree, or a beehive, or already in the bushes - all jumped over the fence. And I always turns out to be the only person who escaped and appeared to bypass, when it caught a tree halfway to the ground, and angry bees enough to be able to immediately run back. Then I even started going to the gym, but jump over the fence and have not learned.
Once a month, all accounting issues are narrow strips of white paper, from which we can learn about the salary, charges and write-offs. The event is always dramatic.
The worst accidents occur at CADE. Scary yet because to them sometimes quite difficult to get - just plug accumulates, and no matter how yell obscenities at the speaker, move the machines still nowhere.
On the part of any training in chemical protection suit always looks very funny. Inside as it is uncomfortable, hard and hot. The most desperate in such moments cycling, running on a treadmill and playing badminton. Sometimes, for whatever reasons, the costume can inflate like a balloon. Very often this happens during cycling.
Who died in the accident the driver someone covered with a blanket roses. Usually killed immediately removed in the corpse bags, but whether the bag for some reason was not, or plaid quickly caught his arm.
Hey, that makes the skeleton heads on the cabinet? "-" Who knows, someone brought from somewhere else, as always, that he is there and worth it. " Ask this question directly to the authorities for some reason I did not dare.
"This is what we have done to the gym photo shoot, and then our operational on the desktop set to not forget with whom works ... no joke!»
In two dogs handler Sasha - Misha and fly. Misha - touching Golden Retriever, who would not depart from you, until you are ready to scratch his back, and with a fly another story. His master died in the fire, and rescue workers were able to bring a puppy from a burning house and brought to the base. Sasha decided a couple of months to take him home. So since "a couple of months," she had it and lived.
At the end of August comes the same season when the mushroom pickers lost almost every day. Find someone in the forest is very difficult, if not impossible. Especially without the phone. Especially at night. Most often disappear elderly people and relatives raised the alarm is not immediately, because their grandparents often go mushrooms and "know the forest like the five fingers." This grandfather lay on the ground day and by the time the guys carried him out of the woods, was barely alive. But nothing happened.
Duty "Gazelle" - almost a time machine. Application - sit down, go to sleep, wake up on the spot. When the work is finished - sit down and go to sleep again. The first few months I doubted whether I myself decently sleep in such circumstances. But then the issue decided in a natural way - I fell asleep as soon as provided in the car.
Woman stuck in the elevator at the time when the house turned off the light. Door jammed, and in anticipation of a special "stick-opener" All told horror stories by flashlight - and at the same time the victim was not boring.
The saddest of all the applications that come in the squad - it calls the elderly, who fell to the floor, and also rescue or fire, there is no one who could help them climb. And it's sad because nothing can be done. As nothing to do with those who closes their elderly parents in an apartment, waiting for them to death and release of living space.
"You're not going to photograph her naked? It is the same old! Better bring a blanket and a pillow, "fast" come, then carried her into the room ... »
Vale someone gave a mask in the form of the skull, sometimes he goes to her on the basis of trying to scare all, saying that it favors.
Train wreck "Nevsky Express" in 2010.
"Listen, let's stand closer, maybe we will do something about it? And how many people came out, some two hundred rescuers and firefighters, and idle here all night ».
The main problem in the process of removing cats from trees - it's not even the fact that the approach to them wisher they climb even higher, but that feeling soon escape, they inevitably begin to write rescuers on the head.
Detachment is a subdivision of miners, and often it is engaged in mine clearance of ammunition found at the scene of battles of the Great Patriotic War. Sometimes these areas are tanks. But less and less.
Base. The Evening. Nothing happens.
Guy fell in the elevator shaft of an unfinished house during one of the city's modern games - did not see a hole in the dark. Probably injured his spine. Fortunately, there were plenty of people, and, more importantly, no one came to mind to raise his own - often it turns out to be the cause of an even greater number of injuries.
Each of the four shifts have your own room, which is on the door and it is written - "Change". In the "change" are lockers and seven beds for each lifeguard. Who does not know how to dress quickly or too lazy, sleeping right in overalls.
Serge was a chef in the expedition to the North Pole, and although it was a long time, but the skill to cook delicious dishes from simple products is not lost. "Family" dinner does not happen every day, but almost everyone. And imagine something more comfortable and tastier very difficult.
"One day we rescued from the ice fishermen. Load them with fish, although this is not necessary. And they did not want to share, so they are not discharged by the car, and the airport, right on the runway. It was already spring, and they are in a sheepskin coat, with sled and with two huge bags of fish. I think they had not easy. But that was a long time ago ... »
"He died a few years ago. Very stupid death, in training, not even on request. Previously, his portrait was on the table for all to see, but then somehow saw the chef and said clean, well we have removed. So yes, since we have our own "skeleton in the closet" ».
In the first two or three months, when I was just beginning to take off in the unit, the main difficulty was that the presence of a person with the camera frankly annoying most of the rescuers. Seeing me, they started to turn away, frown, sometimes even hiding. For two and a half years the situation has changed.
To accept the necessity of heavy expectations, until something happens somewhere, initially quite difficult. Then it is clear that during this time you can do a lot of useful things. But in the end most of them are implemented, only two - watching TV and sound sleep.
Train wreck "Nevsky Express" in 2010.
"I've passed now, and in one place there were someone's kidney, and another heart. Interestingly, this is from one person? »
"Some colonel once said that Russian rescuers did not prone to stress. This apparently means that we are somewhere in the bottom third of the scale of moral values. Vulnerable people do not do the job. Young people often come here to become heroes. And now they are waiting every day, and nothing happens - some people die, others are falling from the couch ... After five years of this "hero" becomes snarled something which sees disaster around the ... »
When somewhere accident occurs, all passing by drivers slows down and look what happened. This is inevitable, even if the police have around, "fast" and rescuers, all will still be watching. Therefore, even one or two accidents can happen right there and then. So often the case. And no, depending on the "strashnosti" or "nothing to worry about," there is no accident.
Katya - lifeguard in paratroops. Maybe she spent in the air for more than a thousand hours. She did not tell anyone. The accordion can not play
So can any man, if he is engaged in nineteen mountaineering, rock climbing and is a champion in pentathlon rescuers. Or if you just want a very cool picture for memory.
A homeless woman died in the attic of a twelve residential houses. Nobody wanted her body down there, so called rescuers. Quite a large part of the work of rescuers is not actually in the rescue, and to move the dead bodies from point "A" to point "B". It should also someone to do.
First spread 'Books rescuer "with a photo and personal data. On the left page states that "the bearer of this has unhindered access to areas of emergency (...), the extraordinary purchase of tickets [to any form of transportation] and the use of radio equipment and medication».
Reversal of the "Books rescuer." Entries are basically "dead body in the apartment", "people in the vent. mine "," accident "," alarm tree "," Removing animals from the collector ».
Has not filled in the column "book rescuer».
From Here
The thing is that it required to complete all certified in the Russian rescuers in all the years of my hard work. I advise you to read on, very interesting.
There is a column "special conditions", and it is filled with special diligence: the more hours worked in "special circumstances", the more hours added to the release. Over time, the "Book rescuer" is not only thoroughly worn, but rather spacious.
Within three years, photographer Yana Romanova filmed in St. Petersburg job search and rescue team Emergencies Ministry for the project "Book of the Savior," accompanied by a lifeguard at checkout. During this time, her original question, "Why did you become a lifeguard?" Was replaced by another: "Why are you still here?».
"A couple of years ago, getting out of the child, put the body in the bag, gave parents. Their grief, and we quickly towards waste because themselves already bursting with some of his jokes, and yet ugly to relatives. When it is necessary to sign, someone makes a mournful face and goes, initialed, and then again come to laugh. And what else? "- Says one of the rescue squad.
Change in the unit lasts for 24 hours, "after three days". In a "good" day is three to four applications in a "bad" day - not one. "Bad" days more than "good". "In the shift may be six accidents - says Lech, who has worked in the unit for more than sixteen years - and none of them are present: someone scratched, and for some reason we cause. Of course, compared to what we are used to doing, even now and tell something about. But the work keeps. Always think: "What if?" »
In 2010, Max announced the best lifeguard of the Russian Federation, and suggested that posters with his picture will hang in all cities of Russia. This portrait is not taken because the clasp on the helmet askew.

Somehow it always happened in kindergarten. Whether there is an emergency tree, or a beehive, or already in the bushes - all jumped over the fence. And I always turns out to be the only person who escaped and appeared to bypass, when it caught a tree halfway to the ground, and angry bees enough to be able to immediately run back. Then I even started going to the gym, but jump over the fence and have not learned.

Once a month, all accounting issues are narrow strips of white paper, from which we can learn about the salary, charges and write-offs. The event is always dramatic.

The worst accidents occur at CADE. Scary yet because to them sometimes quite difficult to get - just plug accumulates, and no matter how yell obscenities at the speaker, move the machines still nowhere.

On the part of any training in chemical protection suit always looks very funny. Inside as it is uncomfortable, hard and hot. The most desperate in such moments cycling, running on a treadmill and playing badminton. Sometimes, for whatever reasons, the costume can inflate like a balloon. Very often this happens during cycling.

Who died in the accident the driver someone covered with a blanket roses. Usually killed immediately removed in the corpse bags, but whether the bag for some reason was not, or plaid quickly caught his arm.

Hey, that makes the skeleton heads on the cabinet? "-" Who knows, someone brought from somewhere else, as always, that he is there and worth it. " Ask this question directly to the authorities for some reason I did not dare.

"This is what we have done to the gym photo shoot, and then our operational on the desktop set to not forget with whom works ... no joke!»

In two dogs handler Sasha - Misha and fly. Misha - touching Golden Retriever, who would not depart from you, until you are ready to scratch his back, and with a fly another story. His master died in the fire, and rescue workers were able to bring a puppy from a burning house and brought to the base. Sasha decided a couple of months to take him home. So since "a couple of months," she had it and lived.

At the end of August comes the same season when the mushroom pickers lost almost every day. Find someone in the forest is very difficult, if not impossible. Especially without the phone. Especially at night. Most often disappear elderly people and relatives raised the alarm is not immediately, because their grandparents often go mushrooms and "know the forest like the five fingers." This grandfather lay on the ground day and by the time the guys carried him out of the woods, was barely alive. But nothing happened.

Duty "Gazelle" - almost a time machine. Application - sit down, go to sleep, wake up on the spot. When the work is finished - sit down and go to sleep again. The first few months I doubted whether I myself decently sleep in such circumstances. But then the issue decided in a natural way - I fell asleep as soon as provided in the car.

Woman stuck in the elevator at the time when the house turned off the light. Door jammed, and in anticipation of a special "stick-opener" All told horror stories by flashlight - and at the same time the victim was not boring.

The saddest of all the applications that come in the squad - it calls the elderly, who fell to the floor, and also rescue or fire, there is no one who could help them climb. And it's sad because nothing can be done. As nothing to do with those who closes their elderly parents in an apartment, waiting for them to death and release of living space.
"You're not going to photograph her naked? It is the same old! Better bring a blanket and a pillow, "fast" come, then carried her into the room ... »

Vale someone gave a mask in the form of the skull, sometimes he goes to her on the basis of trying to scare all, saying that it favors.

Train wreck "Nevsky Express" in 2010.
"Listen, let's stand closer, maybe we will do something about it? And how many people came out, some two hundred rescuers and firefighters, and idle here all night ».

The main problem in the process of removing cats from trees - it's not even the fact that the approach to them wisher they climb even higher, but that feeling soon escape, they inevitably begin to write rescuers on the head.

Detachment is a subdivision of miners, and often it is engaged in mine clearance of ammunition found at the scene of battles of the Great Patriotic War. Sometimes these areas are tanks. But less and less.

Base. The Evening. Nothing happens.

Guy fell in the elevator shaft of an unfinished house during one of the city's modern games - did not see a hole in the dark. Probably injured his spine. Fortunately, there were plenty of people, and, more importantly, no one came to mind to raise his own - often it turns out to be the cause of an even greater number of injuries.

Each of the four shifts have your own room, which is on the door and it is written - "Change". In the "change" are lockers and seven beds for each lifeguard. Who does not know how to dress quickly or too lazy, sleeping right in overalls.

Serge was a chef in the expedition to the North Pole, and although it was a long time, but the skill to cook delicious dishes from simple products is not lost. "Family" dinner does not happen every day, but almost everyone. And imagine something more comfortable and tastier very difficult.

"One day we rescued from the ice fishermen. Load them with fish, although this is not necessary. And they did not want to share, so they are not discharged by the car, and the airport, right on the runway. It was already spring, and they are in a sheepskin coat, with sled and with two huge bags of fish. I think they had not easy. But that was a long time ago ... »

"He died a few years ago. Very stupid death, in training, not even on request. Previously, his portrait was on the table for all to see, but then somehow saw the chef and said clean, well we have removed. So yes, since we have our own "skeleton in the closet" ».

In the first two or three months, when I was just beginning to take off in the unit, the main difficulty was that the presence of a person with the camera frankly annoying most of the rescuers. Seeing me, they started to turn away, frown, sometimes even hiding. For two and a half years the situation has changed.

To accept the necessity of heavy expectations, until something happens somewhere, initially quite difficult. Then it is clear that during this time you can do a lot of useful things. But in the end most of them are implemented, only two - watching TV and sound sleep.

Train wreck "Nevsky Express" in 2010.
"I've passed now, and in one place there were someone's kidney, and another heart. Interestingly, this is from one person? »

"Some colonel once said that Russian rescuers did not prone to stress. This apparently means that we are somewhere in the bottom third of the scale of moral values. Vulnerable people do not do the job. Young people often come here to become heroes. And now they are waiting every day, and nothing happens - some people die, others are falling from the couch ... After five years of this "hero" becomes snarled something which sees disaster around the ... »

When somewhere accident occurs, all passing by drivers slows down and look what happened. This is inevitable, even if the police have around, "fast" and rescuers, all will still be watching. Therefore, even one or two accidents can happen right there and then. So often the case. And no, depending on the "strashnosti" or "nothing to worry about," there is no accident.

Katya - lifeguard in paratroops. Maybe she spent in the air for more than a thousand hours. She did not tell anyone. The accordion can not play

So can any man, if he is engaged in nineteen mountaineering, rock climbing and is a champion in pentathlon rescuers. Or if you just want a very cool picture for memory.

A homeless woman died in the attic of a twelve residential houses. Nobody wanted her body down there, so called rescuers. Quite a large part of the work of rescuers is not actually in the rescue, and to move the dead bodies from point "A" to point "B". It should also someone to do.

First spread 'Books rescuer "with a photo and personal data. On the left page states that "the bearer of this has unhindered access to areas of emergency (...), the extraordinary purchase of tickets [to any form of transportation] and the use of radio equipment and medication».

Reversal of the "Books rescuer." Entries are basically "dead body in the apartment", "people in the vent. mine "," accident "," alarm tree "," Removing animals from the collector ».

Has not filled in the column "book rescuer».

From Here