25 brain twisting typos

With scale we celebrate the Day znaniy.Oshibki occur in commercials that played on the central channels and in posters in the streets and on price lists, advertisements and shop signs. The only good news that the error does not depend on advertisers draws life, so sometimes over them you can just laugh.

< Website I have collected samples of various "ashybok" and "ochepyatok", from which the hair stand on end.

celebrated the Day of Knowledge as it should.

And again it did not work!

Oh the horror!

We need more rest, so as not to rub the labor corn.

Which employs Agena.

Some offer for -zhi / -shi fine.

And for -tsya / -tsya even fine - too light punishment.

The refrigerator is placed exactly three liter jars.


For children with advanced vybrazheniem.

Beware of building robots.

Unknown character in books by Mark Twain.

And suddenly there is a writer Tolstoy?

Terminals Sberbank different intelligence and wit.

... And word forms.

Store Butichёk. Hello proletarians by the bourgeoisie.

Here is such a Iterburg.

In Raiders of the Lost.

Nothing, except for spelling.

All borsch

And this is - just a great publicity stunt.

We did not understand that the author wanted to say.

But it's very nice.

With the belief that in the future there will be fewer mistakes.

Today, tomorrow and always - smiling and do not overuse commas!

Post (un) fortunate coincidence in ads

20 entries in the diaries, after which we wanted to go back to school

25 ridiculous queries in search engines

via www.adme.ru/zhizn-marazmy/post-nelepyh-zaprosov-v-poiskovikah-750760/