20 pictures, showing that hugs - that is what we always want
In a world where a person can have hundreds of virtual friends and be profoundly lonely; in a world where military power - is the way to resolve conflicts; in a world where career and the pursuit of money does not leave time for simple human happiness, we all so want someone to spread his arms, he looked at us and said gently: "Come to me».
Website sure that in those moments of the genuine warmth and intimacy of our planet the sun sends a ray of another kind.
"When Cecil was born, we spent 6 weeks in intensive care. I was so sick that she could not be around. My husband has become a real "bridge" connecting our loving family. "
I'm with you, buddy. Even if all of you turned away.
The caretaker of the zoo Hellabrunn in Munich hugging newborn baby elephant.
A meeting of generations. Grandson came to visit the sick grandfather.
Dog meets his mistress.
Mother and son in Concord, Alabama, near their house, which was completely destroyed by a tornado.
Bear tenderness.
Elderly couple under an umbrella.
Everything will be fine. I recognized.
Sometimes it can embrace one of whom really did not expect.
Student hugging attack aircraft during protests against education reform in Bogota, Colombia.
Leo Jupiter embraces Anna Torres, founder of the animal shelter.
Meeting mother with her daughter after seven months of service in Iraq.
Kid hugging his cat.
Embrace lifelong.
The one case where size does not matter.
Full understanding.
Well, you're like a little?
Ready to embrace the whole world.
See also: Let's kiss!
If the tender can create your own hands, here it
via www.adme.ru/tvorchestvo-hudozhniki/esli-nezhnost-mozhno-sozdat-svoimi-rukami-to-vot-ona-693555/
Website sure that in those moments of the genuine warmth and intimacy of our planet the sun sends a ray of another kind.
"When Cecil was born, we spent 6 weeks in intensive care. I was so sick that she could not be around. My husband has become a real "bridge" connecting our loving family. "
I'm with you, buddy. Even if all of you turned away.
The caretaker of the zoo Hellabrunn in Munich hugging newborn baby elephant.
A meeting of generations. Grandson came to visit the sick grandfather.
Dog meets his mistress.
Mother and son in Concord, Alabama, near their house, which was completely destroyed by a tornado.
Bear tenderness.
Elderly couple under an umbrella.
Everything will be fine. I recognized.
Sometimes it can embrace one of whom really did not expect.
Student hugging attack aircraft during protests against education reform in Bogota, Colombia.
Leo Jupiter embraces Anna Torres, founder of the animal shelter.
Meeting mother with her daughter after seven months of service in Iraq.
Kid hugging his cat.
Embrace lifelong.
The one case where size does not matter.
Full understanding.
Well, you're like a little?
Ready to embrace the whole world.
See also: Let's kiss!
If the tender can create your own hands, here it
via www.adme.ru/tvorchestvo-hudozhniki/esli-nezhnost-mozhno-sozdat-svoimi-rukami-to-vot-ona-693555/